...... for me to write this post.
A post that I think will be my last post here.
Which, of course, is most likely no surprise to anyone.
At first I decided to delete this blog. It was easier to not write if there was nothing upon which to write.
(Ha! Get it? Write/Right? It's not funny if I have to explain it.)
And so that's what I did.
And it stayed deleted for about 2 weeks.
But then I had a change of heart, I guess. I decided to put it back on line, in case there are other widowed people out there who might feel a little less crazy or abnormal by reading what I experienced. Maybe one of you will one day need these words. I hope not. Really.
But I don't have to tell you what the odds are.
So I won't.
I felt that I needed to say "Goodbye", but just didn't want to do that.
So I've written nothing for a while.
But now ...... it's time.
I have written as honestly as I could over the past almost-6 years.
It wasn't always pretty. In fact it was rarely pretty. Or hopeful.
Or easy to read.
So thank you to those of you who've stuck with me.
Thank you, especially to those of you I've met through this blog.
And to those I've never met in person, but who have been here for me none the less.
This was the one place where I was able to unleash every emotion, every feeling, every thought that grief brought. I never censored myself when it came to those ...... for good or for bad.
I gained friends because of this blog.
I lost friends because of this blog.
It was what it was.
I grieved the way I grieved.
If I had to do it over again, I would grieve the same way.
Not because I wanted to, but because I had no choice.
That's the thing that some people couldn't understand, couldn't deal with.
I never had a choice.
This is one of the many, many "clubs" out there that no one wants to join.
One minute you're barely aware of its existence ...... the next minute you're a full-fledged member.
No matter how much kicking and screaming you do.
No matter how much you can't believe it, or accept it.
No one asks your permission to change your life.
No one warns you.
No one prepares you for the ripping apart of your world ...... of your heart.
It is what it is.
And it does what it does.
Do I wish I could've done some things differently?
Hell yes.
Who wouldn't?
But then ...... who in the world, widowed or not, can say that they've never thought that at least once in their life?
If they do, they're lying.
But wishing doesn't make things happen.
And it doesn't change things.
It just kills time.
I loved Jim hard.
As hard as I could.
And I have grieved him hard.
My grief isn't gone. Like that could ever happen.
But it's not so hard.
Once in a while it's difficult, but I've been through difficult.
And it's better than hard.
There are two main reasons that I think I'm done here.
First, and foremost ...... I don't feel as if I have anything left to say.
The emotions have come forth.
And have been laid out.
In all of their ugliness and gut-wrenching pain.
Thankfully, getting them out of me and placing them here ...... slowly made room for other feelings to take root.
Like hope.
And contentment.
And joy.
Happiness has worked its way back, too ...... albeit a different-feeling happiness.
It is what it is.
I'm just glad that it is.
The second reason that I feel done is this:
I'm tired of it.
I'm tired of putting it all out there.
I'm tired of people reading this blog, and then feeling like they're all "caught up" with me and my life, so they unconsciously assume that I'm all "caught up" with them.
Which means I don't hear from them.
I rarely hear from most of the people who were in my life "before".
I can't blame that all on this blog.
But it's definitely been a factor.
It is ...... what it is.
I'm just grateful for how much they were there in the beginning.
More grateful than words can articulate.
And I will be forever grateful.
My life is different now.
Different than "before".
Different than I ever expected, hoped, imagined.
Different than I feared.
Different in a few negative ways ...... but different in many good ways.
You all know that I'd trade everything, and everyone, to have him back.
But that's not a choice.
Yet acceptance is.
So is moving forward.
And choosing joy.
God has been good.
His plan is different than mine.
I haven't always agreed with Him.
And I will never understand Him.
Well, never
here anyway.
And I will never, ever think that this path was a good idea.
But it is what it is.
And it was what it was.
I'm just thankful that He has used me to touch others ...... to make some feel less alone.
Maybe I'll come back here one day.
Maybe I'll decide to start another blog.
A different blog.
Who knows?
I certainly don't.
That much I've learned.
But for now ...... no matter how bittersweet this feels, no matter how much I loathe saying "Goodbye" ...... it is time.
I will miss you.
Very, very much.
Goodbye, Peeps.
And happy ...... everything.
: )