Today I have experienced God & His work on two very different spectrums. This morning we got up at 5:00 and went to Nairobi Nat'l Park, which land that is protected so that wild animals can exist & migrate. It was awesome. We saw zebras & giraffes all over the place. We saw yaks, antelope, wart hogs, ostriches, and aggressive baboons. I can say this with authority because a very large one jumped on the door and got half way in the window before our brave driver ran up and yelled at him. Since I was still in the car at the time I was most grateful. Oh, and why did the two lions walk down the middle of the road? Because they totally could!
Yep--right down the center of the narrow road, not giving a hoot about the car & bus crawling behind them for quite a while!
that was my morning wonder. This afternoon I went to Kibera, the world's 2nd largest slum (Google it). Actually the word "slum" is too nice. And yet, there in the midst of impossible-to-describe poverty & filth, God was more alive & present than anywhere I'd ever seen. I am so humbled & grateful to have visited with ten amazingly awesome women who live & work there. All are HIV positive and all were shunned & near death before they formed this group & business. They sew clothes in a 5x6 room with one light bulb & 8 machines. They are supported by themselves & and an amazing mission org. And they love Jesus, each other & everyone they meet. They told us their stories & sang for us. Amazing.
I'll post pictures & more details when I return -- it's difficult to write a lot on a tiny virtual keyboard.
This country is lovely & the people are beautiful, inside & out.
What an awesome opportunity for you. Even though the level of my concern for your safety and health are astronomical, I can see that this trip is going to be a life-changing event. As concerned as I am, I'm still very happy you not only HAD the opportunity, but you jumped in with both feet and TOOK the opportunity. I'm very proud of you.
Al I I prayed for you this morning as we ran and I thought of how amazing that your family, you and girls are all touched by Africa this year. God is using you, thanks for being open to Him. Still praying and lifting you up to our heavenly Father. Mary Jo Doering
Mommy... I am so proud of you.
Can't wait to hear about the rest of the trip.
I agree with everyone else. I am so proud of you, and I can't wait to hear more. I'm glad you're falling in love with Kenya, too. :)
I love you a lot, and I'll talk to you soon!
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