Villages on the way to Mitunguu:
Beautiful landscape:
We have arrived in Mitunguu and are setting up:
What an awesome greeting for us!!
Our "clinic":
This was the room we used for vision testing (& lunch!):
This would be our waiting area (one of them):
The room where I worked:
Great pics! They did bring up a question I had not thouht of before, though. You showed the room where you had lunch....what did you guys do about food there? Did you take your own with you? If not, what did you eat? Just wondering. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!
We stopped at a grocery store the day we drove to Mitunguu (the Sunday that I was so sick). I bought peanut butter and crackers and that got me through the week. I could only manage 2 crackers a day. The Kenyans brought fruit and their food and we all shared what we had. We also had warm Coke, which tasted wonderful!!
Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!!!!
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