Thursday, November 29, 2007

The things I learned in Kenya

Well, I finally have time to sit and go over my journal so that I can make this post, as previously promised.
This is only a list, and can't contain everything I learned about God, Kenya, others and myself. Hopefully it'll give you an idea of the things one can learn on a trip like this -- both the serious and the humorous! Also, some of these will be redundant for those who read the blog while I was in Kenya -- sorry!

1. There is no such thing as "hurry" in Kenya -- unless you're in a car. And Kenyan drivers LOVE their horns!
2. Never, ever sit at the back of a bus.
3. The stars at night are big and bright -- deep in the heart of Kenya (sorry Texas, but you've got nothing on Kenya!).
4. Mosquito netting doesn't work quite as well when it has large holes in it.
5. Mosquito netting makes me feel claustrophobic.
6. It's possible to squeeze 14 adults into an 8 passenger van (painful, but possible).
7. Joy can be found in the worst of circumstances.
8. It's possible to fall in love with complete strangers and a country you never wanted to visit.
9. My body can retain fluids for at least 12 hours (OK, I know it's not healthy, but it is good to know!).
10. Sometimes it seems overwhelming difficult to touch someones life and heart, but it's really quite easy.
11. Instead of the word "detour", Kenyans use "deviation" (this could make a whale of a sermon illustration -- & I even have a picture!).
12. African mothers perform nothing short of a feat of magic when they tie their babies onto themselves (ask me about my "sling" experience with my baby!).
13. Kenyans have awesome smiles that start in their eyes and light up their entire face.
14. Every American should be required to go to a third world country to help out.
15. America has great restrooms.
16. Electricity is an awesome convenience!
17. Kenyans and Texans have an all-together different idea about hot & cold weather!
18. A window screen company would be a fantastic thing in Kenya.
19. Kenyan children have the patience of Job.
20. I will have less patience with the complaints and "problems" of people back home (and I do--though I'm working on it).
21. People have cell phones in unbelievable places.
22. A 2 yr old Kenyan child can operate an iPhone.
23. Kenyans love to pronounce my name (we wore name tags) and they did a much better job than most Americans!
24. There's always one in every crowd (and that's all I have to say about that).
25. I now know that I can do anything with a positive attitude when it's in God's plan.
26. Obnoxious wake-up calls usually set my teeth on edge -- but not in Kenya.
27. There are fewer pregnant woman than one would think (I saw one in 5 days).
28. Kenyans do not "help themselves" to food. It must be offered to each individual personally before they'll take it.
29. Most Kenyans love having their picture taken and ALL love looking at them in the digital cameras.
30. Kenyan mothers love it when we pay attention to and touch their children.
31. Most Kenyans age really, really well.
32. When you're desperate you can learn to really enjoy warm Coke.
33. Peanut butter does not translate well (neither does tuna fish).
34. There are obnoxiously stubborn, persistent people in every country.
35. If you could make people this happy every day in your job you'd never retire!
36. People who try to cut in line in Kenya are dealt with swiftly and loudly.
37. Young Kenyan women have got to be some of the most soft-spoken people on earth -- and it's impossible to get them to speak louder.
38. I'm going to miss the sounds of Africa -- no T.V.; children laughing and playing outside in the evenings; frogs, birds, chickens & roosters; women laughing and talking and singing while they work & cook outside.
39. Kenyans have long-lasting handshakes.
40. It's possible to leave a piece of your heart somewhere.


Anonymous said...

Love #38.

Anonymous said...

Definitely agree with #40.

Anonymous said...

I REALLY needed your list this morning. I was chosen for jury duty on Monday and have been there ever since. I most especially needed #25 that I can do anything with a positive attitude when it's in God's plan. It HAS to be God's plan for me to have been chosen for this jury. Why else would they have chosen an opinionated person like me? Great timing on the list-love it and you! Natalie

Anonymous said...

I REALLY needed your list this morning. I was chosen for jury duty on Monday and have been there ever since. I most especially needed #25 that I can do anything with a positive attitude when it's in God's plan. It HAS to be God's plan for me to have been chosen for this jury. Why else would they have chosen an opinionated person like me? Great timing on the list-love it and you! Natalie

Anonymous said...

Once again, you've started my day with a smile and a tear. I love your list. And you, of course!