I no longer think those words with a question mark behind them. Now it's a period. Period.
It doesn't make the future any brighter, trust me -- it just is. I guess that means some of the shock has worn off. Not the pain or the emptiness, but most of the shock ... I think. I've never done this before so I have no idea really, I'm just guessing.
One thing that I've learned is just how physical grief is. I still feel exhausted most of the time. By 2:00 in the afternoon I feel like I could go to bed for the night. Sometimes I wish I could. That, however, would be the end of any semblance of order around here and the beginning of chaos and a coup (with looting and pillaging not far behind). It would be very, very ugly since all three boys would try to usurp the others for power.
So, I don't take naps.
OK, I also don't take naps because I only go to bed when I'm ready to pass out. I don't like to be alone with my thoughts, especially at night.
And my stomach hurts all of the time. Every day since December 17th. The sight and thought of food still makes me nauseous sometimes, though not as much as a few weeks ago. It seems to come and go. For some reason it's been a little worse for the last two days. Maybe it's an allergic reaction to "Thank God it's not a Tattoo". Strangely enough I do like having her around. It was nice to come in from work today and know that she's here, waiting to be held. And she sleeps in my bed --- which would have NEVER happened in the "before". Not only would Jim have never gone along with that, neither would the "before Janine". She would have gagged at the thought of an animal in her bed. I hope she doesn't notice. :)
On a positive note (because I refuse to end another post(or at least another post for now) on a negative note, I do feel that I am doing better emotionally. I don't cry as much -- in fact, I have gone through an entire 24 hours without crying (though probably not 25 and not in the last 24 but still.....).
I don't feel that overwhelming blackness anymore. The future still looks black but I don't feel the physical presence of that color in the present.
Did you know you could physically feel colors? Neither did I -- before.
OK, add that to my two distinct personalities and it looks like I need serious psycho-therapy.
I think I'll pet the cat.
Feeling colors . . . doesn't everyone?
Umm, okay I can't say that I've ever felt color. But I'm curious. If you no longer feel the physical presence of black, what color are you feeling these days?
I am totally addicted to reading your blog, every morning and every night before going to bed...then I say a prayer for you and your family.
Love Marilyn
Janine, it was sooo good to see you, touch you, and hug you today! My actual physical pain for you has surprised me. I know in many ways it is selfish - as I put myself in your shoes - and feel that I couldn't survive! I admmire your honesty so very much, and I am feeling connected through your blog. It is a gift to those of us who feel that we would be "imposing" to be calling and coming over - and yet care so very much!
My love - Malinn
I don't really know how to express this but you keep mentioning these two distict personalities and I'm not sure about them. I experience you as the same person you were before just now you know a depth of pain that takes you to new places, not like excitng places like going on a vacation but a new deeper place of who you are/were, compassionate, tender, authentic, introspective, faithful, inquisitive and lovely.
I'm blessed to call you friend.
Thank you for being my friend, I love you. K
Hiya Sweets.
I just dropped in to tell you that I love you before I drop from sheer exhaustion today. I'm working 3 jobs now...and hopefully will have enough to go to Africa with you in November:) I'm doing my real estate, working as a receptionist for a financial services business (just for a month or so) and teaching my firearms classes in the evenings.
It's about 14 hours a day...bleccchhh! I would MUCH rather be on a beach in Mexico drinking icy margaritas! (Wanna' go?)
Anyhow...I love you tons and tons and I'm so glad that you have little "Tattoo" to keep you company! (By the way, what's so bad about a tattoo? Shhhh....)
Love you love you love you,
Oh, by the way, I also "feel" colors. Always have.
Love you, K.
I'm glad Jovie is letting you cuddle with her. I told you she would! Just remember- she does need to come back to Waco at some point. Preferably in the next few weeks. We miss her a lot here. (We means L and I....I think the roomies are fine without her. haha)
Give her a hug for me. And then give everyone else a hug. I miss you guys SO MUCH! Seriously. I love you a lot, and I can't wait to see you soon!
I feel like going to bed every day at 2pm, but I'm just old and decrepit! And the only color I see is brown, but I think that's 'cause I'm full of s%*t! Oh, if you get on a plane right now and come visit, you can experience -33!! It's still early too...in another hour or two it will prolly get down to -40 or so. It's kinda fun when you sniffle and your nostrils freeze together...or it's so cold your eyes water, but then the tear freezes to your face!
Anyway, love and miss ya tons...I'm jealous that all these people are getting to see you and I'm not!! It's not fair! Oh well, maybe in another year or two!
Love ya!
Little Bro
Hmmm.... Colors?
If you were a tree....?
Hey sis! I commented on here this morning but I don't see it so I thought maybe I dind't send it or something. I was trying to get the kids on the bus and comment at the same time. I guess I have proved that can't be done! I said that I think Jovie will be good for you! I miss mine. (just not the peeing everywhere!) I got an email from daughter #2 and it looks as though we will be making monkey bread while I am there. Mmmm Mmmmm! I love that stuff! I love you and can't wait to see you and the crew! Thank you for taking the time to blog! I log on every time I sit down at the computer just to read the comments and know how much you are loved and are being taken care of! Love ya chicky! See you soon!
A tree? OK, that's way too easy: a weeping willow
Weeping willows are one of the MOST BEAUTIFUL trees!
What if you were a CAR? Or a HOUSE...or a BOAT...or maybe a GOLF CLUB?????
M, if she were a car, she would be a sporty model...maybe a cute little convertible. (Although her top would be up!)
If she were a house...she would be a cozy vacation cabin. She would NOT be a triple wide!
If she were a golf club...Hmmm...maybe a mallet clubhead putter? Lol...sorry Janine...I couldn't think of anything better;)
Oh well...hope it makes you smile just a little anyway!
I love you Sis..
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