The above picture is from Easter 1995 (note the honkin' huge VHS video camera in Jim's hand!). That's his mom (on the farm) holding Son #3, who no longer sucks his fingers. Just in case you were worried.
Is it just me or does it seem really strange that Easter is already upon us? I didn't do a thing this year -- no decorations, no egg dye, no basket stuff --- nothing. It just snuck up on me -- not that I might have done something anyway -- especially since we'll be in Okla for half the day and then flying home. It's always been one of my favorite holidays, but funny how your feelings on holidays can change.
The boys and I left the lake around noon and now they are spread out all over our community. They seem to be having a good spring break. They did manage to get the boat out this morning for a while. That was good -- they loved it and I didn't have to buy a new battery. Yay.
I got up and watched the sun rise --- something that Jim loved to do. It was beautiful.
Tonight I'm going to see "The Rat Pack" with Daughter #1 and two friends. It should be fun.
We leave tomorrow morning for Oklahoma so no blog entries until Sunday or Monday. As an aside, I'm taking Jim's ashes so that some part of him can be on the farm (some at the farm, some at the lake, which has yet to be done). He also loved to be there. Here's hoping that the security people don't give me a problem. You could pray about that, please (all of that).
I'm going to post some pictures and then try to come up with a question for you to discuss.
This is Son #1, washing my car. I wish I could keep him here (and NOT just because he washed my car!):
See, they really did start getting along:
The sunrise:
And the coup de grace--one of the banes of my existence--the battle I choose not to fight (although I do make daily comments)--the reason I need a super-duper staple gun:
Sigh. So there you go -- a nice view of Son #2's butt. And he doesn't even care. Wouldn't you think that would bug the heck out of someone? Sheesh, I hate it when my underwear shifts, let alone my pants fall off!!!!
Oh well -- as I side, a battle I choose not to fight -- too much.
I hope you all have a blessed and peaceful Easter. This is the day that sets us apart from other "faiths" -- our God came back and still lives!!
Which brings me to the question: What is your favorite holiday and why?
a) I'm the least photogenic person in our family. Seriously.
b) Daddy and I watched the sun rise at the lake a while back. It's one of my favorite memories.
c) I can't wait to see you tomorrow!
Even though my birthday is Dec. 25, my favorite holiday is also Easter. As a kid it meant a new dress, shoes, underwear, probably a hat or 2, everything new. We would get up before dawn and head off to sunrise service. This year, if all goes as planned we will be in Athens on P. hill overlooking the Acropolis at another Sonrise service.
Good pics of the kids and absolutely beautiful sunrise.
I'm thinking that if son #2's pants are hanging that low in the back they must be quite low in the front, so what's the point of wearing any. I wonder what he would think if you just took his pants away. I've also been wondering what daughter #1 is going to study at Harvard and now what is she going to do in Moscow?
I don't know that I have a favorite holiday, but one Easter when I was about 7 we were camping at Devil's Den State Park in Arkansas and had to evacuate in the middle of the night due to heavy rains & flooding. We drove home and when we arrived the Easter Bunny had been there. To this day I still don't know who it was.
It's funny that you asked this question. Just today my lovely 7 year old son told me he loved Easter better than Christmas because there wasn't a song that says that the Easter Bunny knows if you are sleeping or awake and if you have been bad or good and so he thinks this year he is going to catch the Easter Bunny! How funny is that? If you could have just seen his face when he said it too. He was serious! Christmas use to be my favorite because there's nothing like the smell of burning eyebrows and eyelashes on a cold winters morn'! Love ya bro!;p But since the Easter Bunny thing today it will always be my favoirte. It is amazing how the littles ones drive you crazy and you would love to staple something shut but then they say cute stuff like that and you just want to squeeze their little cheecks. That would be my little Patrick! Happy Easter to all and to all a good night!!!! Love you!
Mine is, of course, Christmas.
I love the feelings associated with it. I love the smiles on people's faces and the heartfelt giving that I see going on everywhere. (Not the commercial stuff, but the gift trees and the way people genuinely give from their hearts.)I love the closeness that I feel with my family as we decorate our home together. I love the traditions that we have in place. Even though my kids are older and only one of them still "really" believes in Santa, they are always excited and fun on Christmas Eve! They would NEVER admit that they don't believe;)
...and by the way, neice #2, you are TOO photogenic! Ever since you were little, your mom has sent us pictures each year. I have always been SO impressed with her beautiful family! I haven't seen you since you were very young, but you are just as adorable now as you were then!
Hmm--that's a tough one. I've always loved Christmas for the candlelight service...when I was a kid I remember longing for the year when I was old enough to go (it was at midnight)...and I've always loved the Easter sunrise service (love the pictures of sunrise at the lake)...maybe I just like going to church at odd hours. I'd love to have a sunrise service again...miss that. Think I'd have some pull with the worship director... Right about now my favorite would be St. Patricks day or something where my husband doesn't have to work a billion extra hours. Just kidding...my vote has to be Easter. Susan
Mine has always been Christmas. I thought I would love it more when I had kids. Turns out it's a lot more pressure. I liked it better when someone else made the cookies, lit the candles and the fires, and bought the presents. Fourth of July is my birthday, but that has lost some pizazz as the years come on as well. Maybe this year I will take a shot at Columbus Day. I don't think we really have given that one a fair shake. Or Pulaski Day. Does anyone from outside Illinois know Pulaski Day? We got a day off from school for that one. I may have a party for Pulaski Day this year. Now if I can only remember when it is...
Well now, lemme seeeeee...favorite holiday...well you can rest assured it isn't fireplace day, oh I mean Christmas(JK). I would have to say Thanksgiving. I have some pretty fond memories of family get togethers as a child, with be-hived hair do's, red velvet cake and a ventriloquist uncle. But I think my favorite Thanksgiving(and this was agreed to by my wife and I longggg ago) was the year that my mom, step-dad, and J-9 and her crew came down to Texas for the weekend. We had 15 people in our little 1300sq. foot house and it was a blast!! After that my favorite would have to be Tulsa State Fair day...oh that's not a holiday? Well it is in my book, and I know it is in a few other's too!
Love ya sis(and nieces and nephews),
Little Bro
(Big Unka M)
I'm from Chicago and I can remember when there was no such thing as Pulaski day! I'm sure I would have loved an additional day off from school. (and having been Catholic, having a holiday that you didn't have to spend the entire school day IN CHURCH would also have been a bonus!) How about "sweetest day"??? My hubby, not being from Chi town, never heard of it and used to think it was "sweetNESS day" in honor of Walter Peyton.LOL!
My favorite holidays are Halloween, because I love fall and football season. I also love Easter, the beginning of everything new!
K in AK
Ok, I'm not much on ANY holidays, reasons having been given to J previously, but I have to agree with Little Bro about that Thanksgiving. It was special. And the Tulsa State Fair Day thing I can get behind 100%. I vote we make that a holiday. Works for me!
Ok...sorry, let me just add that YES, Thanksgiving at our house in Texas with J, J and the crew, Mimi and PaPa was the best! Putting everyone up for the night was hilarious too! Dinner went off without a hitch and MiMi taught me how to make gravy from turkey drippings! I'll never forget it. It was quite cramped...the dinner table went from the dining room and stretched into the living room...it was the true meaning of Thanksgiving! And one I'll never forget!
K in AK
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