Son #2 has decided that he's fine with going to military school. He wants to go. This week.
Of course, this was after I received an e-mail from his biology teacher and then heartily congratulated him on an all-time low of a test grade. A 9. Yes, as in nine, the number before ten and after eight. And not as in 9 out of 10. But just a 9. Woot. Oh, and it was an open-note and open-book test. "How does one make a 9 on that?", you may ask. Good question! Here's what I found out: you don't bring your book or your notes to class!
So while I am glad that he's fine with the the decision (this week --- wait, did I already write that?), I know that this also means he has totally given up on his classes and grades for the rest of the year. Sigh.
He has decided that he'll be able to pick up chicks on the beach (near the school) especially since he'll look so "hot" in a uniform. And the unfortunate thing is ..... he's probably right. Girls swarm him --- they always have. Even in kindergarden.
He. Is. Killing. Me. One nano second at a time.
And I've decided that Son #3 has played too much football. His brain has been rattled way too much. I walked in on him watching TV in one of the bedrooms back in Oklahoma. He was holding the remote, very close to the TV, and he looked quite puzzled.
Me: "What's wrong?"
Him: "I can't turn the TV down. The volume doesn't work." He then points the remote at the TV (and I should point out that he's about 6 inches from the TV) and punches the buttons on it -- over and over again.
Me: nothing --- I just reach past him and push the "volume" button ON the TV that turns the sound down. The sound goes down. Then I look at him like he's a moron.
Him: "Oh. I was pushing the button that said "picture".
I'm a wee bit worried about his future.
The school board has asked me to sit on the stage with them in Jim's place at graduation. I'll be able to give Son #1 his diploma, which Jim should have done (he did this with Daughters #2 & #3 -- it was awesome). I'll also be able to give diplomas to the kids that I know, which Jim also should have done. I am humbled at the request and honored. Of course, this also means that I can't leave after the E's are done. Dang!
We had "girls night" at a friend's house tonight and it was a lot of fun (thank you so much AL).
I know some really neat women. And I got to talk with a woman whom I've "know of" but never formally met (or informally met, for that matter). We, unfortunately, have some things in common. Not exactly, but enough to understand each other's feelings and emotions a bit. AB, you are so special and I hope to get to know you better.
OK, the roller coaster is shutting down for the day. You can get back in line tomorrow for this ride, but be sure to stay behind the yellow line until instructed to board the cars.
You might want to stick with the merry-go-round.
I've never been tall enough to ride those rides *grin*, but I AM standing at the side, watching you every minute, praying that you don't fall out and waiting to hold your hand when you need it.
I love you Sis. Get Son #2 off before he changes his mind!
I am SO glad they asked you to do that.
A phone call is coming your way tomorrow. I have something hilarious to tell you.
I knew it! I'll bet the "9" had a lot to do with his decision to go to military school. However, he may SAY he's going "to meet the girls"...but inside, maybe he is thinking, "ok..I really do need some help". J...are you laughing at me??!!! LOL
What can I say...I have always been optimistic! (guess it didn't help me when I was optimistic and said "sure! I can be a military wife"!!) LOL
M says to tell you, he doesn't think the marines will let him wear his uniform pants below his butt!!
Good luck with it all! We're praying for you...of course!!
K in AK
The strange thing about son#2's decision to go is that my husband has always said he could see #2 thriving in the military. (He has said this since #2 was much younger,like 5yrs old.)
Sorry you have to stay for the entire graduation ceremony but your presence and giving of the diplomas will be very touching for us all, parents and students.
Hey woman! I look forward to you blog every day as I have said before. I love the way you write and how you can make us laugh and cry at the same time. You truely have a gift that I wish I had. I started a blog but haven't made any posts because everytime I start one I can't think of what to say. So to read yours (and lil bros) I am awed at your abilities. We want a book, we want a book, we want a book!!! I get the first copy! Love you tons! Oh an I too am sorry you have to stay all the way through and not leave at the E's It's a huge graduation class and whew!
I was blessed and honored to share PPP's with you and the other gals last night. Thanks so much for sharing your life. You are a blessing to me.
Good morning my darling daughter. I have always known you were special. Always. But as I read your daily thoughts I am so totally amazed at the depth of your talent. You have a God-given gift that MUST be explored further. It's not just for entertainment. Much, much more importatly, it's the help and the good you do. The people you can reach and make their lives easier, if not better. I know, I know...I'm your Mom. Doesn't mean I can't see how special you are. Let's put that out there for a vote!!! I love you..always and forever.
As another mom of a graduating senior, I am also VERY happy that you are going to hand out diplomas at graduation. thank you SO MUCH for agreeing to do that. It will mean so much to all of us.
Good job P!!! Remeber two things and you'll be just fine...ONE...Unit, Core, God & Country and TWO...no CODE REDS, especially on Santiago!!
Little Bro/Unka M
Yep, Jim made a special point of giving Kellen his diploma and it meant alot to Kellen.
Glad to hear you care so much for son #2 to realize the traditional schooling is not working and will be making a change next year.
Moni B
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