It's a great family.
Before I get into the depressing part of this post (you've been warned -- turn back while you can. I wish I could.) I thought I'd ask a question. This is for all of you cat owners (or former cat owners) out there: Is it just my cats or do they all poop FIFTY TWO TIMES A DAY?????? OK, so I exaggerate, it's really only 47. But oh my gosh, what the heck is with that?!!! I clean out that litter box AT LEAST 3 times a day (yes, if they poop 47 times then only 3 cleanings IS totally disgusting). And here's the thing that tops that in their quest to drive me crazy (and no, I'm not paranoid ..... the kids have enlisted the cats in this quest!) ------ every single time I clean out that box (EVERY-SINGLE-TIME) they climb right in and poop. EVERYSINGLETIME!!!!!
They hear me cleaning it, run in, sit and wait and almost before I can get out of the way they are in there taking a dump!!! I know this is so crude, but I'm going nuts. Now I clean it and just stand there with the bag and wait. And then clean it again.
So .... is it just my "not the brightest crayons in the box" cats, or do they all do that.
Oh, and another thing --- George is losing his hair. He has a bald spot on his head and it seems to be getting bigger. Ever heard of that? Does this warrant a trip to the vet? I have warned him that if he loses all of his hair he's out of here. I cannot have a bald cat. Especially one named after you-know-who. That will NOT make me smile.
Yes, my love is conditional. Just be glad you're not one of my kids.
Now back on to the roller coaster of my life. I may jump off of it on the next loop-de-loop. My mother in law has continued to go down hill. So we, as a family, spoke to her doctor on Wednesday and decided that we are going to let her go. Which means that she will be sedated and the respirator turned off. There were many phone calls to make and many questions to ask. We had decided to set the date this weekend, which would give my brother in law, his family, and me time to get to Oklahoma "before".
Some have expressed disagreement with my decision to go. But it's my decision. I want to see her "before". I want to talk to her and tell her how hard to hug Jim for me when she sees him. I want to tell her that I'm so excited for her and for him. I won't tell her how horribly jealous I am of her. Horribly. And then I want to be there until the "after". I want to be with Jim's siblings and their dad. I've done this before --- with a very good friend. It's not the same, I know, but I want to do this. And then I want to come home. I do not plan to stay for the funeral. I want to be there for her and for them and then leave. There will be plenty of people after that. Most of my children want to stay home .... and so they will. Daughters #2 & #3 want to go, so we're trying to see how it works with their finals.
While we are trying to make sense of this and trying to make some kind of plans, God has thrown a kink into it (what a shock). Last night one of her lungs collapsed. So now we're not sure if we still have the time to "plan". As I told someone recently, I know, better than most people, that my plans don't count for squat. So we shall tentatively make plans, knowing that they could all blow up at any time.
I'm leaving for Oklahoma on Monday, to get in at the same time as J & L & S. I had planned to spend Mother's Day weekend (or really, avoid it) at the lake with the kids. But now we're staying home, closer to the airport in case I need to leave earlier.
I have no return ticket.
I also decided to take a leave of absence from work. I need to slow down and stop being too busy to think. It's time to think. And I only have a month left with Daughter #1 before she heads off so I want to spend as much time as possible with her.
And I just need to rest and not feel the need to "perform" or make decisions about things or other people.
I guess I just need to "be". And be there for my kids ..... while we're all together.
I plan on returning once everyone's back in school in August. I hope they'll still have me. I will miss the contact and smiles of the people with whom I work. They are some of the best people I know and I love them. But we tend to see less of each other over the summer anyway, so hopefully the timing is good.
Let's see .... I think that's it. I think that's enough. Actually, it's been more than enough for a long time now.
I wish I could be someone else for a while. I'm not sure who. Maybe I'll look into having one of those "out of body experiences".
I wonder if I'd find that in the yellow pages? Or Google?
I may or may not keep you posted.
Please send up lots and lots of prayers --- for all of us.
And thank you.
J-one of our dogs once got a "bald spot" which began to get larger and it was parasites...yucky...go to the vet!
Also, After reading the rest of your blog, it made me think of a sign hanging outside a business here downtown (they always put up different sayings every couple of weeks) it says "want to see God laugh? tell him your plans".
Thought that might make sense to you about right now!
Sorry to hear about your mom-in-law. I have to a admit myself, I'm kinda jealous yet happy for her too, she will soooo rejoice to see Jim. We miss him too. I had such a great time driving here and there with him when you visited last summer. He was such an inspiration in every way, that we had this private joke among us...if something happened and we needed to know what to do (ex: family, kids, everyday life etc) we would say WWJD What would JIM do? LOL
I am glad you are taking time's time again that's for sure! We love you and will pray for your mom-in-law and Jim's family.
Ya know, you are always welcome to come back here for a break! Shopping, fishing, did I say that already?? tee hee!
K in AK
I'm praying for you guys in this difficult time. My cats do poop as soon as the kids change the litterbox... why are YOU changing it? I give that job to the kids! They change it just once a day. I don't do it 3 times/day! But the cats do poop a LOT!
Yes, cats are poopy little critters. Jackson has been losing some of his hair, also. I'd check with the vet. I'm glad you are taking a leave of absence from work. You need less stress for awhile, that's for sure. You have enough on your plate without that responsibility. I know your trip to Oklahoma will be very difficult for you all. You all will be in my prayers. Especially Milton. I'm so sorry that it had to be this way. Give them all my love. And know that I love you greatly and think of you always.
I love you and I'm thinking about you and praying for your family.
Take the kitty to the vet...sounds like he might have mange.
Love you love you love you!!!
Hey J, Dr. MK here. So sorry I can't help you out with George's skin since I am a surgeon, but can tell you it could be mange, allergies, etc. and you should take him to see a general practice vet. Call me for a referral to someone close or reasonable. If you need me to, I can also take him to where I work to be seen by my GP associates.
Also, cats do LOVE to poo poo in a clean litter box, so there you go, but you are a VERY good owner to clean it so often for them. They love you for that, trust me.
Oh, and I forgot to tell you that if the "bald" spot is in front of his ears, on both sides, that is normal. That is an area cats have scent glands in and when they rub their heads against your legs, they are marking you as theirs! So if that is where the spot is, don't worry. But if it is in the middle of his head or something, then that is not normal. MK
Cats like a clean place to poop that is why they come running when they hear you scooping. I don't know if they work well but have you looked into one of the automatic litter box cleaners?
I'll keep you and your family in my prayers this week.
Lisa B.
Thinking about you today and praying for you! I will be praying for you and the rest of your family as well. I'm at a loss for words.
Love ya,
Me and my peeps here in the hood will be praying for you and the family. I hope everyone is at peace with this and know that she will be much better with Jim. I'm sure that is all she is looking forward to right now. I love you J and wish I could be there with you, K & L tomorrow. Take care.
I've been thinking about you today (Mothers' Day) - and praying that you're surrounded by your fabulous kids and friends. You are a great Mom!
I'll be keeping you and Jim's family in my thoughts and prayers... hang in there.
Leia F
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