This picture is from 1988, our first trip to Europe (and our first trip away from the girls). They were 3 and 1 and 1. And the twins were not walking yet. I made my mother in law swear that she would put bricks on their heads so that they couldn't walk before I came home. We were gone 2 weeks. One week too many -- for me, anyway. And for Daughter #1. Anyway, it was a fun, though long trip.
Today was a good friend day. I went to work and then to a movie ("21") with J. Then she and her wonderful hubby, Dr. J., came over so that he could give me a steroid shot in the shoulder, which turned into two of the most dreadful shots I've ever had (and I'm counting epidurals here!). I had no idea how bad this would hurt, which is probably a good thing. And I didn't know that he was going to do two of them until he got here and mentioned it might be necessary. When he was done I told him that I no longer liked him. He said I'd love him in a couple of days. He'd better be right! Don't tell him, but I love him anyway. And his lovely wife.
Then another wonderful friend, CG, came over and fixed us dinner. She brought everything with her and she did a fabulous job! Di and K came over to join us. We had great food and good wine and it was very, very nice.
I. Love. My. Friends.
Oh so much.
This is Son #2 with his first catch this weekend --- with the casting net. Go figure. He was quite pleased as this catch brought in about 6 fish all together.
And then he cast the net a second time.........
Oh -- My -- Gosh!!! This fish was at least 12 pounds! It was the biggest fish we've had at the lake. And he did it with a net!!
He was very glad that he came to the lake.
He and I had a talk on Sunday and he's been awesome since then. Of course, he is a teenage boy and things change, but ......... I love him and that won't change.
Tomorrow is my mother in law's birthday. Not much change except for slowly going down hill. It will be a sucky birthday.
OK, now it's time for me to turn my attention back to something I never thought I'd have on my computer --- Quicken. Sigh.
P, the luck of AK has rubbed off on you!!!
Cool fishy!
Auntie CK
Hi J! I love those pics of P. What a great smile he has. I am glad you had a good friend day! I have just arrived in Port Douglas, Australia, and haven't showered in 28 hours! I thought it was so cool on the shuttle up here that I looked up and right there in a cow pasture on the roadside were like 12 pademelons (like wallabies/mini-roos) sitting there with the cow. At first I was like what the heck are those chubby meerkat looking things sitting by the cow? Then I realized they were pademelons.It's so surreal to see these things like we see deer in the States! Ah I love it here.... sunny and warm and so laid back. I want to live here!!! :) Anyway Hope tomorrow is a good one too! I'm praying :)
It sounds awesome!!! Can't wait to see pictures.
Oh, and one more thing .....
behave yourself!!!!
Whoa!!! Killer fish! I am SO very impressed. I think that's the first time I've ever seen a picture of P, he's SO cute! It's a good thing my girls are his cousins;)
I'm glad you had a wonderful time at the lake.
I love you...TONS.
Hey woman! Is it later yet?? LOL Son #2 looks like he is in his element and the smile WOW! To cute. What is this Mexico you talk of, and is D me? If not...well then I didn't want to go to Mexico with yous guys anyway. And if it is...WooHoo when do we leave? Love you...infinety ;) (side note, mom did you get my blog address?)
Crap! I forgot --sorry!!!
And Mexico is lovely land of many, many margaritas. It's inspirational and yes, my dear -- D is of course, YOU!!!
I'm ready. Are you packed?
Oh and for you and for those people in AK ---
DId you get the e-mail I sent asking for info? I need that!!
Love you all!
Uuhhh I do believe that was one of the reasons I was calling last evening. Oh and this Mexico place of many many margaritas sounds bery bery good to me!
Matt would kill to catch a fish like that! I guess he needs to find a lake other than the pond in Foster's Mill. Susan
Does that fish have lips!!??
Son #2 sure favors you! Beautiful smile! I'm praying May will be full of miracles especially on the days you're anticipating to be filled with joy and saddness. I do pray for you everynight that you will feel the presence of God right where you're at and that He will continue to carry you as you continue to just put one foot in front of the other. You are a very wonderful and special person so it's only natural that you would attract so many wonderful loving friends that seem to surround you there! I'm grateful you are loved by so many. Love ya, and still planning on October!
Cheryl --
That fish DID have lips!!!! Very weird!
thhaatt was a gooooood day
- son # 2
AKA Hottie
Hi Janine-
Going to give this one last try. I spoke to Kevin White about your sprinkler system and he said he would be glad to help you with it. His number is 936-433-0667. Hope this helps. Maybe this message will reach you. Thinking of you.
Hi Jamie!
I was going to e-mail you today. Thank you, again, for coming by this weekend. It was good to sit with you. And thanks for talking to Kevin -- I'll give him a call.
Good, it worked. Just FYI, I think it's great your going forward with remodeling. It's called self preservation and healing. My therapist and I had a "deal"...I could do ANYTHING I wanted or needed to as long I didn't physically hurt myself or anyone else. Go all out, get what you want and make it exactly what you have always wanted! I refer to my bedroom as "the womb".!! It's where I go to feel safe, recharge and soothe my soul. Your a remarkable, strong, honest and courageous woman...these qualities will continue to help you on your journey. What a gift to have shared with you on Saturday.
Hey Hottie P...your two younger cousins are VERY disappointed that you're related! Well, the 13 year old is anyway. The 9 year old just thinks you're a yucky boy with a really cool fish!
J & D...ummm...ahem! Mexico was MY idea and you two have to wait until I get BACK! I'll be down there Tuesday and back on the
23rd...and THEN we can start talking about going;) I just warned my husband that I might be going back sooner than he will!
However, if I'm going to Africa, I AM going to have to save some money this year.
I'm thinking it might be time to buy a condo down there though. I DO love me some margaritas! (and I plan to have a LOT of them next week!) We're also going zip-lining through the forest canopy. At the end, you soar over a river and land in a bar where they serve 60 different kids of tequila! (Luckily, they drive you home afterwards!)
Yes, I think we need to go soon.
Love yous,
LOL! I just noticed that I said "6 different KIDS of tequila"! Don't get any ideas, P...I meant "KINDS"!!!
Sheesh, now everyone is going to think I'm a terrible mom!
ahah wow
thats cool I guess
That is a fantastic fish - he looks so proud :) James and Eric have caught some decent sized fish in the lake, but not often and never with a net!
And yes those steroid shots hurt like [words I won't write because people from church read this ;)] but they do help. To be perfectly honest they didn't help me as much as promised, but they were for a bad hip which apparently is much harder to help than a knee or shoulder. I hope it's working for you!!
Schedule For Parker:
1: Man of God
(and I can not emphasize MAN enough! hehe)
2: Loving Son and Sibling
3: Fisherman
And full time rockstar!
-Son Number 2
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