...... has always brought my family many new beginnings over the years.
Our twin daughters were born on Memorial Day weekend.
Our oldest son was born on Memorial Day weekend.
All of our children graduated from high school on Memorial Day weekend.
In fact, our youngest son graduated this past Saturday.
But the biggest beginning for our family ...... began 30 years ago ...... on Memorial Day weekend.
Thirty years ago ...... today. (This Wednesday post is actually being written on Tuesday.)
Jim and I were married thirty years ago.
And so what was once viewed by me as a month full of beginnings ...... is now a reminder of the biggest ending I've ever experienced.
Today should have been my 30th anniversary.
But it was not.
Jim should've been here for Son #3's graduation.
But he was not.
Exactly like he wasn't here for Son #1's or Son #2's, not to mention the various college graduations that we've celebrated without him.
Thirty years ago today I cried.
I was nervous. I was scared. I was nauseous.
But mostly ...... I was so in love with him, that those feelings were short-lived.
And the tears I shed were tears of love, joy and relief.
I know that I wasn't the only one who cried that day.
Jim also cried as we spoke our vows to love each other until the only thing that parted us was death.
We fulfilled those vows.
And thirty years later, I still cry ...... although the tears I shed today were very different from the ones I cried that day.
The day of our new beginning.
I didn't expect to cry today.
But then, after five and a half years of living without him, I rarely expect the tears that come.
Which, as usual, seems to make them worse.
I shed more tears this weekend than I have in a long time.
I never stop missing him, but sometimes the missing feels larger than usual.
It felt very large as I watched our "baby" walk across that stage Saturday night.
It felt enormous this morning, as it occurred to me two hours after I awoke, what this day used to be. And it grew as I realized that on this day ...... 30 years later ...... I was the only one crying.
As time goes by, I do cry less.
I am happy much more often than I am sad.
And I'm starting to recognize the days that symbolize the new beginnings in our lives.
But I think that I will most likely always feel, that the 28th day of May ...... feels more like an end.
Please visit these wonderful blogs today. It's our monthly Widowed Blog Hop!
Samantha of the Crazy Courage blog
Red’s The M3 Blog
Christine of Widow Island
Tim’s Diary of a Widower
Running Forward: Abel Keogh’s Blog
Tamara of Artful Living After Loss
Jessica at Buttons to Beans
Missing Bobby: A Widow’s Journey
The Grief Toolbox
The Widow’s Mite: Encouragement for Widows
Widowed Yogi
Choosing Grace Today
Precious Janine,
Sending a HUGE HUG this morning, the day after in hopes that this new day will begin with a smile knowing you are loved.
Anne Marie
I understand... We have celebrated two college graduations, a wedding, and countless other milestones in the almost 5 years since Frank's sudden death. Our 30th Anniversary will be just after the 5 yr mark. Sometimes I doubt my sanity. It's always reassuring to read your words. I wish you continued strength and peace.
Thinking of you! My mom was married to my dad for 28 years...and widowed for 28 when she passed 9 yrs ago... When I read your blog, I think of my mom and dad.
Love you, dear friend.
Dates that cycle beginnings and endings are always hard. I am glad that there are happy days to balance out the sad this weekend.
thx for sharing... our wedding anniversary was the hardest first... next month should be our 4th anniversary and my second without him...
Beautiful. Tears do seem to jump out of nowhere sometimes. You memory of the day you were married is priceless.
This is a beautiful memory and such a poignant reminder of how we do live our vows.
Happy love to you, Janine.
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