...... as in an update, not the condiment.
Because I'm sure SO many of you thought it was that.
So. Where to begin? So much is going on that it's almost too much to contain in my brain, let alone put into words that I will actually type.
(Yes, I know I'm not kidding anyone by using that as an excuse for being unable to contain things in my brain. While I thought you'd think of ketchup, I know you're too bright to swallow that line.)
Anyway, since there really is a lot going on I'm going to put it in bullet points. Only without the bullets. And no, that doesn't mean I'm not in favor of owning guns ...... or that I am. It just means that I need to use actual numbers or I'll go all ADD and forget where I ........
I hear bullets are hard to come by anyway. Ammunition shortage and all that.
Wait ...... see?
On to the numbering.
1. Son #3 and I leave for college Thursday. Nine hours in a car. Together. I'm not sure his vehicle will be able to contain the joy. Especially his.
2. No, I'm not going to college. And if you considered that for one second then you must be a brand new reader. Welcome. You might want to go look for something more cerebral now.
3. I'm trying not to think too much about the actual event of him leaving. Because it makes me cry. A little. Unless he's not reading this and then it makes me cry more than a little. I will miss him very, very much.
4. Son #2 has decided to go to "school" full time in a month or so, and so he has moved back in. Don't worry, I actually offered.
5. As long-time readers can tell ...... my mind is leaving me at a rapid rate.
6. So, though I never thought it would happen ...... and even said it would never happen (I really should never use the word never ..... don't get me started) ...... I have an adult child back with me.
Which brings me to point #7.
7. Son #1 may be moving back here at the end of the month.
I know. I'm beyond help, really.
8. Son #1 has been job-hunting for a while and may have to return here to look in the Houston area. Unless something magnificent happens in the next 3 weeks.
9. Daughter #3 will join Daughter #1 in NY at the end of the month. I'll be going up at the same time, but that's not the point of this non-bullet point. The point is ....... I will be having 4 of my 6 children living with me, when I thought I'd have none. Zero. Zilch. Nada.
10. My life is definitely not going the way I saw it going in my head (aside from the obvious "Jim died" thing, see points 4 through 9).
11. Son #2 has a cat.
13. My house has not sold and I'm seriously thinking about putting the whole thing on hold until next year.
14. I will be going back and forth between TX, NY and OK for the next three months. After about 2 of those trips I don't think I should be held liable for whatever comes out of my mouth, or off of my keyboard.
15. This is my last point. Well, the last one I'm going to make here anyway. And it involves a picture.
THIS is going to be the death of either him or me:
Yes, it's the cone of shame (he has a sore on his leg that he won't quit bothering so now it's infected. Thus, the C.O.S. was ordered by the vet). And now Koda has no sense of space. I've caught 2 lamps in mid-air. And have been gouged by the edges of that thing several times when he's tried to rub his head against my leg. I think he tried to use it as a face mask/oxygen tank in the pool. I also think that didn't work.
But whenever I start to think about death ...... his or mine ...... this is what I see:
Poor baby. Who's heart wouldn't melt under that look of complete shame and sorrow?
There you go.
15 points.
Consider yourselves caught up.
Happy Tuesday, Peeps.
: )
Need a compass?
If there was no sense of humor or adventure where would we be?
And don't even mention something happening to the pooches...
Thanks for making me smile this morning!
I couldn't resist that face!
love the face!!!! That cone of shame will do it everytime!!! Wow you DO have a lot going on! Come to NJ any time you want to escape children living at home. I will be down to one (crying a little as I type that) who is in high school, which as you know, means I see very little of him. You can hang in Em's empty room (a few more tears shed) or one of the guest rooms! I will be the only adult child around!!!!!! Where is son #2 going to school?
love and miss you.
My dog was just put on steroids and antibiotics for a sore that he would.not.leave.alone.
After 1 day on prednisone, he wasn't even remotely interested in the sore and the lampshade was no longer needed. You might want to give your vet a call and see if you can get him on some 'roids.
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