Tuesday, September 3, 2013

How Is It Possible ......

...... that in the last 5 years and 9 months ...... or actually, 5 years, 8 months and 17 days ......
or ...... 2,087 days ...... since Jim died ...... I have never heard this song?  Not once.
Not until tonight, when I watched "America's Got Talent".
As soon as the song started I told Daughter #1 what I'm about to tell you.
And I tried not to cry.

I've listend to Garth Brooks since Jim died.  Not a lot, but I've listened.
Jim loved this song.  After he heard it for the first time he made a point to have me listen to it.  He said it reminded him of the times he had watched me sleep ...... and thought the exact same thing.

I told him then that the answer was, "Yes".
I never expected to have to really answer it ...... to have to really live it.

But my answer remains the same.
"Yes, Jim.  I know.  I always did and I always will."

And I'll love you forever.


Patience said...

Perfect Janine.... I'm glad you were able to share this "love story" with your daughter.. and with us..

Anonymous said...

I love this song... I've got it on a "mix cd" I made. Only thing is, sometimes it depresses me because Don isn't here... But I still love the song....

Unknown said...

I heard this the day after Dave died while taking the kids to school. I cried then, and it still makes me teary eyed today.

Mollie B