Sunday, September 15, 2013

Patience Is A Virtue ......

...... and evidently it's a virtue that some of my Peeps do not possess.
I will refrain from naming names, but all of you whiners know exactly who you are.

So here I am, late on a Saturday night, writing a post that I said would not come until Sunday.  But God forbid that I might be too busy tomorrow ...... I have the sneaking suspicion that one or two stalkers very supportive and interested readers might end up finding me in Oklahoma, and tying me up and forcing me to dictate this post  not leaving my side until I catch them up with all that is my life.

Being the kind-hearted person that I am  I'm going to put you out of your impatient misery and update you.
Not only will you be caught up with me ...... well as much as you can be caught up on my second-to-second whirlwind of a life ...... but you will most likely feel better about your own lives.

Ok, it is now Sunday night.  I started this post late last night and didn't stop until close to 2:00 a.m., when I had to make a decision:  stop working on it, or throw my iPad against the wall and then stomp on it.
I chose the former.

For some reason I have never figured out, iPads and Blogger do not get along.  I thought it was just my iPad, but since I got a brand new one to replace my fried one last week, I know this is bigger than my iPad and me.

I can't write a very long post or Blogger stops working, which it did, around 1 a.m., but I didn't want to throw the towel in ...... until I was about to throw the iPad.

So, still using the iPad, I'm going to post this entry in a series of posts.  Kind of like Sports Illustrated is currently doing, except without the lies.  

Here we go ......

So ...... you know all about Jack, and the trip he took out of the window last week.  I cancelled my flight for Tuesday and stayed an extra day, just so that I could sit in the apartment, crying all day and feeling beyond miserable.
It was a joy.

Since then, Jack improved enough to be taken by Daughter #1 to the ASPCA, which had agreed to take him, for hopefully a cheaper price.
She was able to take him there Friday afternoon.  His jaw, which is broken in several places, was sutured by one of the vets, who said that it would hopefully heal on its own now.  I must mention that I had been told by 2 vet friends that broken cat jaws are not uncommon and that they can heal without surgery in many instances.  So that was good news.
For about five minutes.

The vet surgeon came to inspect Jack and the sutures and realized that he not only has bones that are broken, but he also has a dislocation,which means he has to have surgery.
Of course.

She did allow D1 to take him home, but surgery is scheduled for Tuesday morning.  He'll most likely stay in the hospital that night.

Thankfully, the "Ka-Ching" at the ASPCA is a bit softer than the one at the original vet hospital, which now has a great deal of my money, and the rights to my first born grandchild.
I didn't tell them that most of them would be dead and buried before that event happens ...... I figured they can find that out all on their own.

Thus ends Entry #1.
 I will post the 2nd part as soon as I can use my computer.

Wait for it ..... 

1 comment:

Beth said...

okay you can put me on the list of whiners....but you can't throw me out there with the stalkers. I can't be apart from my CPM machine long enough to stalk anyone, unless they are within 5 yards of me!!!! Glad to hear that Jack is doing somewhat better. Figures crossed the ASPCA keeps the costs to a minimum - well okay, as minimum as vet costs ever are, and that Jack makes a speedy recovery following surgery.