Friday, January 4, 2008

Consider yourself warned

OK, I should never post in the morning. Wait -- no I should post whenever I post because it's what I'm feeling at that moment (and I never know what's going to come on the page when I sit down). Mornings are horrible. Absolutely, positively dark and sad. And the earlier, the sadder (I wish I could say that no other time of the day is that bad, but I never know). So, you should always look at the very end of each post to see what time I made it. Then decide whether you want to read it or not. You've been warned.
In other news, yes, I went to the doctor yesterday. And, for the first time in my life, I am "medicated" (how's that for open and honest?). I'm sure many of you are thinking I should've done this years ago. Whatever.
Anyway, it's not my doctor's practice to mix grieving and medication (evidently a high percentage of people never get off). So she wasn't heading down that road. Then she asked more probing questions and decided rather quickly that she was, indeed, going to medicate. I was somewhat surprised that she didn't make me swallow a pill right in front of her.
I know that many, if not most, of you are breathing a sigh of relief. So am I (even though she said I probably won't be able to "emote" as well, so sorry to all you blog readers). I was afraid that soon I wouldn't be sane enough to know that the thoughts in my head were scary.
But I am also sad. This would've broken Jim's heart. Not because I needed to take something but because it was needed because of anything that had to do with him.
The girls and I went to a movie today. It was a "normal" activity and it felt good. So, yay for that.
And now, I have to burden you with yet another prayer request. And this one is, again, quite large.
The kids are going to start genetic testing this week. There's a huge chance that what Jim died from is hereditary. So there is another road ahead. Of course my prayer is that it's not. That it was just a freaky, rare (which it was) once-in-my-lifetime experience and that this is not something that's going to hang over their heads for the rest of their lives. I can't trust that my prayer will be answered so please pray hard for me.
However I do realize that, if it is herediatry, and it can be watched and controlled for the next 80 plus years, then Jim saved his children's lives. And maybe his siblings' and/or their children's.
And he would've volunteered to do that in a heartbeat.
But my children are grieving their father.  And now they are scared that they may have the same thing happen to them.  It's all such a huge unknown.
All I can do is support them as best I can, and tell them that if this is, indeed, something they have inherited, then their father saved their lives.
Somehow .... those words ring hollow.
They need him.  They miss him.
Just as I do.  Differently, yes.  But just as intensely.


Anonymous said...

Oh my dear sister! I am so praying hard for all of you! If this is the reason then God bless Jim. God bless Jim for all he did and is STILL doing! I know there is a reason for all of this and it is still to be heard. He did so much for so many and in years to come will still be doing! Please Know that, and that God worked through Jim in so many ways! I love you sis and pray for you constantly every day. I might say Why God WHY????? But I know that there is an answer to the ?, don't know when it will come but know there is an answer!

Anonymous said...

Sencond of all...Good for you!!! I am so proud of you and what you are doing! You get up every day, you post EVERY day and are honest and open. I admire you for that. Something I would never be able to do. So again I tell you how strong you are. Yes Janine YOU ARE STRONG!!!!!!!! You might not think so but you are. I look up to you so. You are my light and my inspiration. I can't tell you enough how much you mean to me and how you inspire me. God bless you and the people you touch and the people that Jim touched. I love you soooo much and pray that I can move closer to you so I can see and touch you at least once every other day or more!

Anonymous said...

Hey Sis,

I will/am still praying for you. In reference to what e talked about yesterday, I almost made it through the day without crying, but then I read this blog. GEE THANKS! Just kidding. What you said at the end was so true that it made me cry...

...if it is hereditary, and it can be watched and controlled for the next 80 plus years, then Jim saved his children's lives. And maybe his siblings' and/or their children's.
AND HE WOULD HAVE VOLUNTEERED TO DO THAT IN A HEARTBEAT. That is sooo true that somehow it sucks.

By the way, we didn't forget about the Alaska will be on its way next week...Kathy had to put her "touch" to it.

I love you and miss holding and hugging you. I hope somehow we can see each other again soon!

All my love and prayers,
Little Bro

Anonymous said...

All I can say is "Ditto, ditto, ditto" to what "D" says! You are an amazing woman, Janine. Your daily posts give me hope and strength, and I know that is true for others as well. Your honesty about your feelings and emotions means so much to me. It makes me feel closer to you. You and the kids are in my prayers every day, but I will include a special prayer tonight that the tests all go well.
My heart is still with you every day...and I love you dearly!
(You're the best sister I've ever had.;)


Anonymous said...

Dear Janine.
I am desperately praying for you and the kids. I love you all so very much. It hurts to read how much you are hurting. I want to say, no, I want to yell, 'someone DO something!!" But I'm afraid I won't be heard. God is listening Janine, even when you are NOT praying. It's ok. I pray that you soon find the strength to turn back to Him even if it is to ask "WHY?" I had my moment with God myself, and it was only when I turned to him (yelling, not even in prayer) that HE answered me. I am sure it is hard to believe that there is an answer to this madness. Maybe the answer is that Jim was used to save his family. Which he would DO in a heartbeat.
God loves you Janine. He hurts when we hurt. He IS listening. Trust that there IS an answer and one day you, all of us, will say, " bad God, you were right..." Thank you for loving me so much.
Please smile. I love you...I so want you to know that.
Your sis-in-law,

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear you are taking very logical steps not only for your health but for your childrens health.

Anonymous said...

Because we talk every day, sometimes I don't post here. But I want to make sure you know that I ALWAYS read your blog, and read the comments, and re-read the blog. Sometimes when I can't sleep, I hop on the computer and read the blog again.
If I have something profound to say (I'm not counting on that happening anytime soon!) I will certianly post it to you. Otherwise, just know that I love you, and I am here.