Friday, August 22, 2008

Time ....

.... marches right on, doesn't it?  Actually, it runs.  I used to hate that.  Now ..... not so much.

     The shoulder injection went well.  Slept right through it.  Yay.  Had to have an IV in my wrist but they gave me a shot to deaden it first so that was the worst thing.  My shoulder has been great all day --  now it's getting achey but I expected that.  Hopefully that will pass soon.
Or I'll have to drink a lot on the plane.
I'm packed and getting ready to head out.  I'm taking my computer so will hopefully blog from time to time, if Daughter #1 lets me sit down long enough to do it!  I think she has a list.
But she also told me that she's so excited about my visit that she's cleaning her bathroom.
Ummmmmm ..... never mind. 
 I will choose to look at this as a positive thing (I just hope she gets visitors on a regular basis!).
    Daughters 2 & 3 head back tomorrow and Mom arrives here.  
This is to all of my friends .... please have pity on the woman and stop by to visit.  Bring a nice wine (or something stronger).  Maybe even a dinner!  I have a ton of frozen stuff but I'm not sure she'll be able to figure out my new ovens.  I haven't ..... but then again, I haven't tried!
     I hope everyone has a great weekend and I'll write from Boston!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey J--think I'm going to have to hurt you! Sat down today and noticed all the links to all the other blogs you've listed, and had to check out each of them. Can't tell you how long i've been here, but I'm sure I was supposed to be working on my book. But thanks for the list, I guess. Susan

Anonymous said...

Good evening my darling daughter. Have a wonderful trip and give W a big hug from me. Enjoy every second of it. Don't even think about the house, kids or animals. I promise not to call unless there's blood. And then, only if I can't get it stopped! I love you very much and I'll see you when you get back...or there abouts. Byyeeeee!

Anonymous said...

Just caught up on the blog after a few days. After my son#1's loving parents put his mattress cover over the mattress, I reached for his sheets and he calmly replied-"I'll take care of that". My thoughts were with you all week.
We'll take care of your sweet Mom while you're away. Give daughter#1my love and I'll pray for God's blessings on your visit.
Love you!

M2K2USA said...

Hope you have a great and safe trip! Tell W hello and we are always thinking of her and hoping she is doing well!
I can't wait to hear what she thinks of WINTER!!
Let us know if she needs a pair of Mukluks!! LOL
K's and M's in AK