Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Another Day .....

.... to sit and swell.
Oh the fun we're having over here.
Don't be jealous.

Actually, the foot looks a bit better this morning, so YAY for that.
Here's what it looked like last night .... after keeping it up almost the entire day!

Can you tell that the left foot looks a wee bit different from the right foot?
The major thing (at least to me), other that the fact that my feet feel like they are so tight they're going to explode at any minute .... is the loss of my left ankle.  It has indeed turned into a cankle   or kankle (not sure of the spelling).
This picture was taken late last night ..... it had looked much worse during the day.

Hopefully I will swell less today.

My doctor is on vacation so I didn't take the time to call her office for her/their opinion of my ripping off the hormone patch and throwing it viciously into a trash can.

That was after dealing with the feet swelling every day since I put it on.
And after dealing with acne every day after I put it on.
And not being able to remember somethings only seconds after they happened (really, really scary)
Falling asleep at the drop of a hat, especially while texting or writing on the computer.
But this was the biggest BECAUSE for ripping it off ......  it made me gain almost 10 pounds in less than 2 weeks.
Nuh uh.  I do not think so.  Not on this body.

And now, to get your minds off of my worrisome bloated Kankle feet, here is some entertainment. From me.
You are welcome.

This is Oliver:

And so is this:
I adopted Oliver last Fall.  We knew who the mother was.  We had no idea who the dad might be (yes,meaning Oliver's mom is a wee bit trampy.   Poor little guy).
I have since come to believe that I know exactly what his dad was .......
a sloth.
Yep.  Oliver is half-sloth.
Or he just pretends to be.

And this is Jack:
Kitten on Krack?! from J. Eggers on Vimeo.

This is Jack. Cap'n Jack, if you please (and are feeling formal). He is the result of a friend being untrustworthy. Said friend, after being rebuffed by my kitten-loving self a few times, decided to have Circle at HER house this week. I did not know this until the day before. And I instantly knew why! She knew that I have ..... and I'm not too proud to admit this, .... I have .... an addiction. To kittens. Alcoholics can't/shouldn't walk into bars, I can't/shouldn't walk into pet stores. Or into the homes of scheming friends.
Hello. My name is Janine. I'm a kittenaholic.
But ain't he cute????!!! Oliver does not agree. Not whole heartedly anyway.

This is Jack's brother.  At the moment his name is Bully.  He's the runt of the litter and yet he has complete control of the others.  He's very bossy.
And Napoleon-ish.
And no, I don't own him.  I just thought he was cute.  They're all cute.  There's another male who looks like Jack and a grey striped female.  They're around 8 weeks old.

This is Jack the night I brought him home.  As soon as we got in the car he started clawing and crying and crying and clawing, so I just put him in my purse (not knowing what else to do).  He immediately closed his mouth and fell asleep:
 I guess we all like our boundaries and security within them.  :)

Jack, at play.  Always at play.
Or at war.  Or asleep.
Yep, that's about it.

He loves coming between my computer and me.  Most cats do.  Oliver does.  They don't want me to read a newspaper, either.  I wonder if they're worried that I'll read something horrible concerning their careless,  irresponsible , cat-about-town sperm donors.  Men!!!

And here he is .... in one of his favorite activities:

And this would be the other ...... biting my toes.
Yes.  He is weird.

Stayed home today until around 4:00 when the Sons and I went to see the last installment of the "X Men" series.  It was good.

Now we are home
And my foot ..... looks/feels the same.
Soooo attractive.
Ya know .... for a single woman who might want to not look deformed.
I haven't noticed that swollen kankles attract the opposite sex.

I'll keep you posted.

Happy Tuesday, Peeps.


Beth said...

love the kitty video, needed something to pick me up a bit tonight so thanks for sharing, hard not to smile at a cute/crazy little kitten!

Health and Beauty said...

LOL It's really funny and interesting video! Thanks for sharing.

kdawnmartin said...

That was to freakin funny!! He hates the bell, take the bell off and he will stop! Well, at least that is my thought on Krazy Krack taken Kitty Kaptin Jack! Love the name! And love you! Kiss Kiss, love my sis!

Janine said...

The bell is the whole reason I put it on .... so that we, and especially Oliver, can hear him coming!! At this point, it isn't looking good that Jack will bel staying with us. Oliver is NOT taking to him. Even a little bit.
Kids! .......