Brace yourselves.
(It's going to be a loooong few days, Peeps.)
I am sleepy.
Very sleepy.
The problem?
My body will not fall asleep.
Well .... except for my dead right arm, hand, fingers, shoulder, chest and neck.
My arm and shoulder are itching .... but I can't feel my skin being scratched so that's driving me crazy!
And my throat hurts now.
Yes, in spite of the deadness of my neck.
Damn intubation tube.
On the up side ....
.... my voice is incredibly sexy after an intubation tube has been stuck down my throat.
Thankfully I still have a numb shoulder.
Yet it feels very strange.
When I get up and walk I feel something bumping against me .... and look down to see that it's my arm.
It's like having an epidural in my shoulder.
Or maybe a giant cavity.
Ok, that was just gross.
Did I
(Did you notice that strike-through? Totally one-handed!)
I'm also wondering how a procedure with the word "scope" in its name ..... requires a dressing this big??
Check it out ..... left-handed picture taking.
Damn, I'm good.

UPDATE: It's midnight, the nerve block wore off an hour ago and I am not happy.
My shoulder hurts, the incision site hurts every time I move ..... even with a deep breath, as does my neck where he went in for the block ("hurts" isn't a strong enough word, but I can't think of another one at the moment). The strong pain meds are not strong enough. I probably won't be making you smile for a while.
Sorry ........
glad to hear things went well. Totally impressed with 2 left handed posts and you are not even through day one!
okay here is another gem from my son to maybe give you a chuckle when the block wears off and you need some distraction.. this is from several years ago; he was maybe 8 or so,
We we driving one day and stopped at a light, I looked in the mirror and made some remark about how grey my hair was and maybe I should start to color it. He said, "oh mom your hair isn't grey". I thought oh what a sweet little boy, being so nice to his mama. He quickly added, "it's not grey, it's totally white"!!!!! um yeah okay, it IS more white than grey but did I REALLY need that pointed out? yeah somedays i'm amazed I've let him make it to 13!!!
continued prayers for healing and minimal discomfort.
not only one-handed typing, but you've changed the way your posts are formatted! You go, girl! and have a little wine with that whine.
Thanks, Beth. :)
Susan .... I have? In what way? Seriously, I don't know what has changed .... or how it changed. Must be the anesthesia ....
Love the facial expression.
You don't look anywhere near old enough to have 5 kids out of High School.
Not relevant to shoulder blocks.
I found arnica great for speeding up healing.
Sorry you had a rough night. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Cheers, Roma
Hang in there - hopefully you will feel some relief soon. By the way, who was your surgeon?
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