It's 7:30 am here on Tuesday (10:30 pm Monday in Tx). We're on our way to the clinic. I'm feeling a bit better (yay!)-- trying to eat & drink a bit more, which is easier said than done. The "facilities" here do not promote the desire to use them.
Yesterday was amazing. The experience is difficult to put into words, but here is my highlight: fitting an 85 yr old man w/ glasses. The joy on his face when looked up and saw clearly for the first time can not be described. All I can say is that it's one of the best gifts I ever received. We saw between 300 - 500 people yesterday and had to turn at least that many away at the end of the day.
We just arrived at the clinic--there are over 100 people already!
Before I close I want to say thank you for all of the comments & e mails & text messages! Your words are so encouraging, especially when I'm feeling tired, ill or overwhelmed. I can't respond personally but know that I read every word. They help me know that I'm not alone-even a world away.
What? The squatties are great! I liked them. :)
I'm really jealous of you right now. Really, really, really. I wish I was there with you!
You are amazing and I can see that big smile on your face as I read about the old man and his first clear moment. I'm with you everyday, keep the chin up !!!
Great Big Warm and Fuzzy Hugs!!!
Wow! It must have been like Jesus healing the blind man, first trees walking around then full sight!!! You are in my prayers and I keep praying that the mosquitoes don't bite! You are amazing! Mary jo
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