So I'm sitting here with Son #3, watching "Tin Man" (a post-post-post modern "Wizard of Oz" on the Sci Fi channel, which is surprisingly interesting) and here's what this child says:
Son #3: "You know what would be cool?"
Me: "What?" (totally thinking this is going down the "What I want for Christmas" road....)
Son #3: "If I came home from school and you were pregnant."
Me: "I'm sorry ..... what?!"
Son #3: "Wouldn't it be cool if I had a little sibling? And think about it ... there are 3 boys at home and 1 girl. And so if you had a girl then it'd almost be even."
I'm too stunned and nauseated for words. I know that Daughters #2 and #3 share his thoughts (although they may prefer that we adopt a baby --- they tried to talk me into adopting a baby girl from Russia before they graduated from high school. Instead, I let them get 2 puppies, which I am now stuck with. I totally should have gone for the Russian).
What the heck is going on around here? Do I need to spend more time at home? Do I need to play more board games with this kid? Do I need to get him (or me) massive amounts of drugs?!
It's hugely evident that this child is highly disturbed --- I think he needs more "Mommy time". Then he'll realize that God wouldn't do that ...... an innocent child.
If you had met Leah you would've adopted her.
What a nice complement. Sounds like he thinks you are doing a fine job as super mom. Any time you would like to "borrow" our 2 year old for a weekend, just let us know.
I have a couple I wouldn't mind you borrowing for a few years!! (until they are out of colleage) Just let me know. They could use a stent at the txmomx6 boot camp! And I agree with Lara, it was a complement, you are a great mom. You have 6 children to prove it!
"DON'T DO IT !!" Borrow Lara's 2 year old.........MR FFL
Son #3 is tooooo funny! Yeah, you need a 7th just as the final of 6 is beginning to gain some maturity. Well...maybe not maturity, but at least he's growing up. Maturity can't be far behind. But he made me chuckle. What a concept.
LOL! That boy has some serious guts.
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