This morning Son #2, #3 and I stayed home and relaxed in my bed and watched a movie. They needed some mom-time. I haven't had much to give for the past 54 days. It was nice.
Then I took them to Wal-Mart. Yee-haw.
Things were calmer today. I still don't expect a miracle and I don't know what's best anymore for Son #2, but I have no fight in me. My goals for him keep getting more and more short-term. I used to hope for college. Then I hoped for a high school diploma. Now I hope for him to pass 9th grade. And make it to 18 with both of us still alive. I'm not sure which will come first.
He may be the next Jethro. I wonder if I can sign him up for the Army at age 15?
So another week starts tomorrow. Another 7 days to get through.
One at a time.
Mom -- I got your packages and you made me smile - and laugh. W & I watched the movie. :)
I'm going to try to post a picture this week of the other item. I love you. Thanks.
I was going to try and be funny but desided against it. So its just little ol sis checking in to say I love you and hope your 7 days go smoothly this week. Just 28 more of those and I will be there! Can't wait! I love ya chicky!
My son, also in 10th grade, drives me nuts, too. It is a constant battle for him to do his Spanish homework. He is REPEATING Spanish 1, and still has an F. And, his name is JOSE! How embarrassing....
I used to hope for Yale, then University of Florida, then the local Community College, but now I am hoping for Bagdad.
Maybe my kid and your kid will meet in bootcamp.
I was going to say something serious, but DECIDED against it. What do you do with an elephant with three balls??? walk him and pitch to the rhino you silly people!!! Get your minds out of the gutter.
There's my two cents worth...okay, maybe one cent worth. Love and miss you!!!!!!
Oh, I remembered what my words of wisdom were yesterday that would fix all the school problems with P...tell him if he doesn't do better, he's gonna have to come live wih Unka M. If that doesn't put the fear of God in him, nothing will!! =)
Litle Bro
Good morning my darling daughter. I'm so glad you got the packages...and twice as glad that they made you smile and laugh. My mission is accomplished. If I could just succeed in that every day I would be one happy mom. I'm glad yesterday was more peaceful than the day before. Hang in there. You can only do what you can do. You are doing the best you can with what you have to work with right now. P has to take some responsibility with his school work. I love him dearly, but he has to do this for himself. I pray he will come to that conclusion before it's too late and he finds himself in military school. I know it would be horrile for you, but it really might be what's best for him. I continue to pray for you all. Take care of yourself. I love you dearly.
Make sure you're in it when you take the picture! I want to see it on you. Oh yeah, once again, sorry Whitney!
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