OK, not teachers in general. Just many of Son #2's teachers. Parents are supposed to check each teacher's web site, which would be great if each teacher kept his or her web site updated. But they seldom do. And then there are those that tell everyone the next test in on Friday and then, Surprise!!!-- it's tomorrow!! It's as if everything is against that kid making progress.
He has at least 3 major tests this week, plus a memorized speech, plus all of the assignments. And no one to "make sure" he gets it done (at 15 he should be the one who makse sure). So I doubt that he will.
Although I could be wrong.
I pray that I'm wrong .... whatever that gets me.
My dad called today and said he's coming this weekend. I am very glad. I think I really need a dad right now.
I wish I could stop being an adult --- it sucks.
I used to love my life. I knew that I was blessed beyond measure. In spite of the headaches that come with certain children (who are very, very loved), I loved my life. Now, not so much.
I know that I am still blessed and one day I will write a post about that. But not today. It's enough that the knowledge is there.
Still pondering that "Things I Don't/Didn't Need to Hear" post. That seems to be causing a fair amount of stress amongst many of you. I've heard nothing but "you should definitely write it", but every single person seems to think they will have contributed to the list. The funny thing is, most everyone who fears that -- didn't, as far as I recall.
And I must tell you all that you are giving me WAY too much credit if you think I remember who said what. Way.
I don't remember who said things, I only remember some things that were said.
There will be no post tomorrow. I have a work retreat for the next 2 days. I may die of exhaustion (cross your fingers!) by Wednesday. But I think the time there will be good. I love the people I work with. I am blessed.
So I shall have to give you another topic to discuss amongst yourselves. I'm trying to stay away from politics, though that subject is very tempting.
Here we go ---
If you were stranded on a deserted island and could only have one book -- what would it be? And the Bible is a total cop-out and therefore not allowed. I'll just assume that each and every one of you would want the Bible. So, other than that -- give me a title --- and tell me why you would choose that book.
I'd take The Pillars of the Earth, it's wonderful...........and it's over 900 pages! It will keep me busy for a very, very, very long time.
I'm glad your dad is visiting you and the kids, too. Lean on him.
hugs, lor
Cane River by Lalita Tademy is my all time favoite book. I could read it over and over. It takes me to a time that is not so distant as I grew up with stories my mom told me passed down from her great-grandmother. It's a story that follows a slave and her family as they extend. I find it fascinating and get totally enveloped by the story each time I read it. Maybe it's time to pick it up again. Or maybe I should bring it to you. You could use a good escape. One other than staff retreat.
Just ONE book??? Can't I have a whole series? I'd take a whole buncha' Louis L'amour books;)
I don't think I could choose just one. You know me...I'd break the rules and stick 'em in my socks and underwear so I could sneak more in!
Janine, I'll trade you Son #2 for my Daughter #2 for a little while! It'd be a nice change of the same pace;)
I'm probably one of those people that said the wrong thing...and I'm very sorry if I did. It's so hard to KNOW what to say when someone you love is hurting so much. I think we're just trying to say something, anything...and it doesn't always turn out to be the best thing. But we love you...and that is easy to say.
I am so glad Dad is comming! Is he flying? Can I pick him up? How long is he staying? (You can email me the answers to these questions!!! or just call or text me)
I'm going to come back to the book thing- I have to think about that one. My first thought would be Principles and Practice of Pediatric Neurosurgery. I know, I am a tad strange. But I am thinking that maybe I should try for something lighter, possibly something fictional? I am going to give it some thought. Love You, K
Sermon on the Mount
I will definitely NOT cross my fingers for that! I would be so mad at you, which might be selfish, but whatever.
As for the book question- that's a tough one. As you know, I didn't read most of the books I was supposed to in high school. I still kind of do that in college. Sometimes. I was thinking about Catcher in the Rye, then I thought about Blue Like Jazz. Both are really good books. But I think, in the end, I'd have to go with Where the Wild Things are by Maurice Sendak. It would keep my imagination going, and it would probably make living on a desert island a lot more fun.
I would also sneek in The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn. You know why, though. :)
I love you!
The Road Less Traveled: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth by Scott Peck for sure. Anything by Scott Peck. He is a genius. Brilliant. Amazing, fascinating!!! Says so much about human nature, psychology, how people interact, how people grow spiritually, what love really is. One of the all time bestselling books. And he's a Christian. Anything by CS Lewis -the Screwtape letters is awesome but probably too short. Oh and Annie Dillard's Pilgrim at Tinker Creek is amazing. I like to say it's like chocolate. You can read it a little at a time and enjoy it so much. It has all these beautifully described moments in nature, so rich and intricate. OK that is 3 not 1 but what can I say? I love books. Oh! Anne LaMott is hilarious too! Sorry I can't help myself :) I better sign off...
I can't seem to get enough of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin.
I'm not much for reading so I don't know alot of authors but I the book I think is a must have would be how to survive on a deserted island/build a boat to get off said island. Or Playgirl! I can't deside!!!! LOL I'm kidding! Oh and I have pink eye now thanks to my darling little son! And its cold and snowing! I wanna go to texas! BUrrrrrrrr! I love you!
I can't defend the whole teacher profession, because I know they (we) disappoint parents frequently. I can't even get my son's teachers to care about him. But overall, teachers view their jobs as a mission. I wish I could say, yes, my 10th grade son is mature enough, and responsible enough to hand in his homework, and not forget his workbook AGAIN. But, the state of Florida mandates the Sunshine State standards, as does Texas, I'm sure, and "responsibility" and "maturity" are not on the list. So, I continue to push, and bribe and punish, and yell, and reward and pray.
Which book I would take if I were stranded on an island? "How to build a boat". :)
I have been reading, but I have not
posted anything in a while. I'm still thinking about the tree I would be. I think the weeping willow, not for it's name, but for it's flowing branches that get so easily swept up in the breeze. It seems to blow so care free and I'm
too uptight and structured and need to go with the flow better. Learn to let go of all my worries and anxiety and blow in the wind.
I too did not comment on the blog
about saying the wrong thing because I hope I have not said anything hurtful or inappropiate to you and feel like I might have with good intentions only in mind.
If I did I am sorry. If anything I think I hold back commenting and communication because I don't want
to say or do the wrong thing!!!
As, for the book......I will need to think about only one. I love to read, but often use it as an escape
and read through them so fast I forget what I read(so much for speed reading in college). I AM
going to drop by and see you soon!!!
Love ya girl,
Best Loved Poems of the American People. I've had it since I was 15 and still pull it off the shelf at least once a month. I loved poetry when poetry wasn't cool - and if you just said that it still isn't cool - who asked ya! It has sections on love, home/family, inspiration, religion, patriotism, nature. I could go on... Even though the words stay the same on the page (it would be freaky if they didn't), poems take on new meanings for me as I get older. Plus they are kind of like puzzles. How to say what you mean AND make it rhyme. I can write my own poetry in the sand (when I'm not busy surviving) and then the tide will come in and it will be washed away which is perfect 'cause I'm shy.
Teachers tire me out too. I was once exhausted by a preschool teacher ("once" encompasses the entire year). And could we all agree on a format for worksheets, calendars and study guides that doesn't force us to declare allegiance to a particular OS or shell out $? And then use it and keep using it and don't change, forevermore, period.
Love you,
Sheez...now I feel so uncultured! Louis L'Amour indeed! I don't WANT to be practical if I'm stuck on an island alone. (and if Dawn's bringing Playgirl, I'll stay with her and she and I can figure out how to build cabins and boats!)
Oh C'mon...you know we're just kidding. (sorta) ;)
Can I bring a T.V., DVD player and some movies instead? Maybe a PS3 and some games? My MP3 player and laptop? Cell phone to call you to bring a yacht and pick me up?
Love you!
I love Nicholas Sparks so it would probably be 3 Weeks with My Brother. I might opt for something I haven't read yet though, like Pillars of the Earth. I have heard much about it and it's long. Please do write the post about what to say/not to say. I am one who never knows what to say so usually opt to not say anything which makes me look/feel like I don't care, but I really, really do.
OK, my choice is Everything I Ever Needed to Know I learned in Kindergarten! Rest your mind for awhile, keep it simple. I highly encourage more pajama time in bed with the boys! Love, Cindy T.
"Ship building for Dummies"
(or "50 ways to leave your husband after he wears a thong on backwards "...)
Love you.
K in AK
Sorry--I wouldn't take anything profound--I would have to take fiction that I could escape with for a while. So anything by Greg Iles. He's from the deep South and therefore knows his subjects very well. Not only are his books an escape, but they also make you think!! The best of both worlds if you ask me.
Hope you have enjoyed your retreat and are not too exhausted. I'm sure I speak for all when I say that we missed the blog yesterday.
Still praying for you. See you this weekend.
T - whoever T is :) - I read Everything I Ever Needed to Know I learned in Kindergarten aloud to my kids at night and laughed so hard I about wet my pants. The first couple chapters are particularly hilarious.
I would have to say "Searching for God in a bottomless purse." That study was an enlightenment. So many angles to view. Talk about missing something, I really miss the discussions and knowledge from everyone there. Miss you, love you mean it.
Bernie from Virginia, it's been a while....
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