I am a horrible mother. No, really, it's OK. I'm good with it. Maybe I'll get 10% of the books' profits. All 6 books, though I'm sure some will be much thicker (and more profitable) than others.
I just got a message from Son #3. No pole vaulting today (which means he didn't make today's team because he overslept and missed practice last Friday). My first reaction was not, "Awwww, poor guy. He must be devastated. I should bake him some cookies or something else so he can learn to eat his feelings."
Nope. My first reaction was, "Yes!", accompanied with a fist pump.
I am horrible.
I also admit that I received this message via text messaging because I went right out and bought that 13 year old kid a phone after the misery of the first track meet. So our "no cell phones until you're 16" rule has gone out the window. If I sat and thought about it I'm sure I could come up with a lot of other things that have flown out the windows in the past few months (well, if I could remember them).
Oh, and Son #2 brought home his report card on Friday.
Here was my reaction:
"You only got ONE F!!! GOOD FOR YOU!!!!"
I then told him that he could now have unlimited texting.
Mother of the year, that should be me.
If one of the other kids had gotten a single F on their report cards they would have been grounded for life.
My, it's amazing how little time it sometimes takes for one's perspective to change.
A whole lot can happen in a little time.
This is a hilarious post that I can relate to. The key to happiness may be to continue lowering expectations until they are met. I know that is a horrible philosophy, but I do feel that way sometimes.
Still praying.
I couldn't agree more with dgw. At this point in your life why set yourself up for yet another fall?!? Lower those dang expectations so they can't jump up and bite you on the butt! Been there, done that. How did Whitney's reading go? I hope she had a good time.
Loving you and praying for you always.
So thats what I need to do? They keep on getting higher for some reason. I need to go the OTHER way! My eyes have been opened once more by my lovely sister! What who I do without you? (have two dead kids :)lol) Love you tons!
would not who, sorry, I can't remember if the last comment was what not who or would not who. I'm sure every one got the meaning of it. See you in 6 days!!
So why didn't you publish my comments I made right after mom's? Did I say something wrong? I see you posted D's 2 hours after mine??? Out of sight, out of mind they always say! =(
Little Sad Bro
What the heck are you talking about? I didn't get any other comments from you. I think the cold has frozen your brain. You need some Houston heat!
Oh, and who are you?
Hey sad little bro...just wondering if your missing comments had anything to do with my "been there done that" comment. Just wondering.
I don't know what the heck is going on...all I know is that I posted right after mom's post and it 'aint there. So here goes again...(for full effect, act as if my post question was never asked).
Let's see if I can remember now...it was REALLY funny so now I'm under some serious pressure!
Well it seems as if our kids found out this past weekend that we are not the ONLY parents who make their kids do chores!! They overheard a lady telling her daughter that she could have her allowance AFTER she did her chores!! What the..??? Chores? And the kids have to do them??? Well, I never!!!
And to boot the boy across the street, who the girls play with on a regular basis, is not having his birthday party because he was mean to his younger brother!! HALLELUJAH, Praise Jesus & A-Men brotha'!!!! We told the kids that the neighbor parents need to have the police called on them for being so cruel to their kids...NOT!!!
And as far as lowering your expectations, I'm a HUGE fan of that! My family lowered their expectations of me and it worked for them...I mean look at me...I didn't turn out to be a TOTAL tard. SHUT UP!!! I can hear you all now. Anyway, it all worked out except maybe K1still thinks I'm a tard, but I think she's numb to it all and has finally accepted the fact that she's stuck with me for the long haul!!
Whew!! How was that? Ya gonna' post this one??? And why don't you ever post on MY blog??? Am I not good enough since I don't live in zip code XX345? I hear that is supposed to be then I heard they were snobs and would only reply to blogs in their zip codes. What-eva! Come post on my blog some time sis!! It's not as funny as yours, but I try. Tonight I'll be copying something that was on your blog weeks ago.
Anyway, gotta get and study. Love ya all!
Little Bro
Um...I'm sorry...did M say something? I wasn't listening...
tee hee!
Since that poor little bro of yours is having some kind of identity crisis, maybe you should post his blogsite again for those of us who didn't write it down and then we could all go visit HIS blog, he would stop whining about it and be happy that all of us snobs from that zip code came to his blog! Just a thought...
Good idea, Nat.
HEY, Dork ---errrrr, sorry, I mean, Bro!!
Post your web site again, please.
Also, are you whining? There's NO WHINING is blogging!!!
Oh -- and it was colder in Texas last night than it was in Anchorage so THERE!!!!
:) P.S. WHO are you again?! Dawn, did you hear a buzzing sound?
OOPS...well I was just kidding about the zip code thing and being snobs. I had heard a comment while in Texas about if you don't live in a certain zip code then you needed to move to that zip code. I in no way meant it seriously. I guess sometimes my sense of humor goes astray. I appologize!
LOL, yes I think I did hear something.
if you click on the "m2k2usa" hyperlink it brings up the profile and then you click on "Green Acres" or something like that to get to the blog. I visited! :)
Can I just say that if it makes you a horrible mother because you are elated that you do not have to stand around (not sit, but stand) for 4+hours with nothing to do but freeze your butt off while you wait for your beloved child to take two jumps with a pole or throw a small but very heavy little ball while he spins around like an idiot (sorry, reflecting back on my own son's track and field days) well if that makes you a horrible mother then I am right there with you, in the running for "Horrible Mother of the Year".
I'm not going to talk about the cell phone thing, because basically, you were my last hold out on that one, so now I will probably cave on that one too, maybe because I don’t have any fight left in me, my daughter #1 and son #3 wear me down on a daily basis; or maybe because my son #2 is upset that your son#2 has more contact with his girlfriend that he does!!!LOL!!!
If it make you feel any better about the mother thing, don't tell anyone, this is between you and I ;-) but at the present time I am secretly wishing that a certain science olymp team chokes at state so that we do not have to deal with the possibility of the next level of competition, I want it to be over!! does that make me a horrible mother?!?
Love you!! K
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