V left early this morning. I was sad to see her go but I get to see her in a month or so.
Daughter #1 came home this afternoon. I'm glad to have her home. And get this -- Yale agreed to do a phone interview (after telling her they don't do those and she told them she was sorry, but she couldn't come. WHERE did she come from?!!).
Daughters #2 & #3 are home next week for their spring break. I will be so happy to have them home.
I took the medication that my doctor prescribed for the dizziness for the first time today and I hate it. I figured that would be the case, which is why I hadn't taken it before. It knocked me out and then made me feel soooo tired. I always feel tired on my own, thank you very much -- I certainly don't need any extra help.
I received an e-mail from Jim's aunt and uncle today and his mom has improved since Friday. She's responding to people talking to her, nodding her head and opening her eyes some times. Her blood pressure is better. Keep praying, please.
I've been thinking about this "2 brain" thing I've got going on. The part of my brain that constantly thinks about Jim -- constantly. And the other part that tries to keep up with everything else but doesn't seem to be doing a good job. The "Jim part" seems to take its job very seriously. It never stops.
I've been told that there are some times when people first wake up and they don't remember what's going on in their lives -- for a moment. That first moment when sleep and wakefulness mingle together and everything's OK. And then the present clears away the sleep.
I have never had that moment. Never, ever. I'm always aware that he is gone. I go to sleep knowing and I wake up knowing.
I do everything knowing.
I'm not sure what would be worse -- always knowing or having that "moment" and then having it cruelly yanked away.
I think I'd rather be aware than feel as if I'd been sucker-punched over and over.
Some people like having the "moments".
Or so I've heard.
Janine - I never stop thinking about you! I haven't posted in awhile - been busy having a Grandson! :) But I continuously pray for you, your family, and want to remind you that I love you!
I think my wife wakes up every morning like that...unaware of reality...then it hits her that "Yes, she did marry me and she is stuck with me"!!!! That must be a scary feelin', huh?
Just tryin' to lighten things up like I always do. I haven't replied too much lately, but I'm still here, readin' away, every day!!
Love ya!
Little Bro
You're getting through every day. I know it must be very, very hard and lonely without your best friend, but I admire you so much for your strength and your honesty.
Sometimes now...I'm afraid to "say too much", for fear of making the list of "Stupid Comments", but I tell myself that even if I say the wrong thing...as long as you know that I love you, then I've said something right. You are in my thoughts daily...constantly. I'm so very proud that you're my sister. Please tell W that I am equally proud of her and that I'm telling everyone I know that MY neice got accepted to Harvard! How COOL is that??? ;)
I LOVE you J...
(Oh yeah...I got my sponsorship packet for my little girl in Kenya! Her name is Mary Angela. I'm SO excited!)
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