I have been remiss in updating my Peeps.
I apologize.
And this is all I have to say about that:
My life is totally insane, crazy-busy, and not in control at this moment in time.
If you know me in real life, then you'll know exactly how crazy things are when I tell you this:
My family room and my bedroom are very unorganized right now. I have stacks of papers that need to be dealt with.
I know!!!
For everyone else ...... let's just suffice it to say, that when there are stacks of papers in my house, things are very, very out of control. And insane. And I feel overwhelmed.
Rather than write a novel here about all that's going on around here, I'm going to do it with bullet points.
I'm not sure why, but I think maybe I'll spend less time writing and yet still be able to catch you up.
So here we go ......
1. Today is Daughter #2 and Daughter #3's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to two of the loveliest young ladies I know ..... inside and out. I love you!!!!
1 a. Son #3 graduates from high school Saturday. All 5 of his siblings will be here, plus Mom and D.
He is technically done with school, as of yesterday.
And that's pretty much all the thought I've been able to give to that this week.
2. Five of the kids and I are leaving for Disney World bright and early Monday morning. Daughter #3 cannot go because she'll still be teaching and we're staying in a time share that isn't available after the first of June. Damn school schedules and damn time share rules.
And though I have the plane tickets, the reservations, and the various park tickets ...... that's pretty much all the thought I've given that this week.
Heaven help us.
2a. Monday is also Son #1's birthday. Disney would be kind of a cool place for your birthday, except for the fact that it's not his first birthday there. Or even his second. So he's most likely bored with it by now. Oh well.
2b. Tuesday should be our 30th wedding anniversary. Dang, that would've been a lot of years.
sigh .......
3. My new position with Soaring Spirits has kicked into high gear. I am no longer the National Volunteer Coordinator, but am in the new position of Regional Coordinator. Which means that we are starting Regional Groups all over the country.
And that has consumed my time and chained me to my computer most of this week, and literally ...... all day today. Really. It's been insane, beyond busy and totally exciting and wonderful. I'm trying to get as much accomplished and taken care of and nailed down and whatever you want to call it before I leave Monday morning. And not because I'm leaving Monday, but because our new website is going up Monday. And all of the stuff I'm working on needs to be on that site when it goes live Monday.
Heaven help us.
4. I currently have 3 dogs sleeping on my sofa. I took a picture of that today so that I could include it, but for some reason my Photo Stream only seems to update in the months that don't contain an R, except for this month. So the photo has not made it into my stream (don't even go there), and thus, has not made it onto my computer. So you can just imagine three dogs lying on my sofa. The youngest one, a puppy of large size, is actually Mom and D's dog. She's part Mastiff and part who-knows-what, but she's mostly puppy. Which means that not only has she destroyed a new pair of shoes (mine), she's also eaten a glass ornament, chewed up my recycling, and ingested copious amounts of tin foil, which was being used to keep the pets off of a chair. She seemed less than deterred by the tin foil. And I'm guessing that there will be several shiny piles in my back yard in the next couple of days.
She's staying with us for 6 weeks, while their other dog rests and recoups from a ruptured disk and some other spinal malady that affects large breeds. Sassy is beyond a large breed at this point. She's an English Mastiff and weighs well over 200 pounds. I call her a cow. D seems to take umbrage when I do that but ...... I call 'em as I see 'em. And she's a huge cow.
Granted, she's a huge, lovable cow and I hope she gets much, much better soon.
Because I'm remembering why I didn't want another puppy.
Addendum: My photo stream finally sent the pictures to my computer:
5. Daughter #2 graduated with her Masters last weekend and I was happy to be there for her. Son #1 and I drove to Waco from Dallas to spend some time with her and Daughter #3. We drove back to Dallas where I hung out with him for a bit. We went to see the new Star Trek movie at an IMAX 3D screen. In spite of being SO over all things 3D, I thought it was good.
6. Daughter #1 moved into the NY apartment and started her job a few weeks ago. She seems to be doing well and is very busy.
And I'm trying to not be jealous that she's in my apartment ...... and I am not.
7. Daughter #2 had a very good interview this week. She has yet to decide where she'd like to land, but I don't think she'll have a problem getting hired. She took, and aced, her state licensing test in social work. So she's legal. And a Master. Pretty dang cool.
8. While I was in Waco I was able to visit Daughter #3's class and watch her teach. They were adorable and she was, of course, awesome.
And the main opinion seemed to be that I, as her mother, should really learn sign language.
I concurred.
9. I was notified a couple of days ago that I now have health insurance. Hallelujah and Amen. I'm being covered by the "Texas Pool", whatever the heck that really is, other than the most expensive insurance I've ever seen. But hopefully I won't have to cough up a few thousand dollars for my next infusion (which seems to be helping bit by bit).
10. I'm exhausted.
So I'm going to bed. And starting another insane, crazy-busy day tomorrow. The high school has to be decorated for the big post-graduation event that's held every year. All night long.
My shift is Saturday night at 10:30. Until Sunday morning at 2:00.
I have yet to even contemplate packing for Disney. Or the expected weather.
And now I'm beyond exhausted.
Good night, Peeps.
Happy Friday.
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