...... and counting.
That's how long I've been up today.
My day started in the dark at 5:00 a.m. and will hopefully end in the dark, sooner rather than later. Tonight, rather than tomorrow.
Mom and I just got home about an hour ago.
The surgery went well.
The surgeon seemed surprised at what horrible shape D's knee was in.
That fact gives me no comfort in a doctor's ability to know what he's getting in to.
But of course, I could give you a whole lecture on that topic from my personal experience back in 2009. What an awesome year!
If you aren't gagging at the high level of sarcasm in that last sentence you should maybe start reading a different blog.
Any-who ..... one knee down, one to go.
D was in no pain today or tonight. He has a pump installed in his right leg (the leg with the new knee) that continuously delivers a block to that leg so that he feels nothing. They are slowly weaning him off of it during the night.
I told him that he now knows what it feels like to have half of an epidural.
Although I didn't add that having only half of an epidural during labor totally sucks.
Another story for yet another time.
He is also hooked up to a morphine pump and the button is taped to his hand.
I have no idea why it's taped there. I never seemed to have a problem dropping and/or losing my button when I had the use of a morphine pump.
This is, of course, the VA hospital so maybe they have an all-together different expectation of their patients.
So the man was feeling pretty damn good tonight.
Of course his left knee still hurts like a mother, but all in good time.
Maybe the morphine will help with that, too.
We stayed at the hospital until we knew he'd be getting dinner and that he'd stop bothering the nurses so that they could get some work done.
I had to go over several lines, cord and plugs from his bed to the wall. For some reason they didn't hook his bed up to the lights, the radio or the TV. So I got behind there and traced a few cords around, unplugged and re-plugged a few things and managed to get his TV controller working.
Of course, now every time he pushes the radio button it actually sends a call to the nurses station, making them think he needs something.
I think that was getting old pretty quickly.
Hey, nobody's perfect.
At least he can changed the channels now on his hugely snowy LG flat screen.
Our tax dollars at work.
Mom and I then made our way back across Houston, went into Old Navy to look for some light weight sweaters (which come in handy when spending long hours in a hospital -- or an airplane) that were on clearance for $5.97.
I kid you not.
Plus, today only ..... you got an additional 40% off.
I bought 9 (yes, nine) lovely, colorful summer-weight sweaters for less than $40.
Huge, huge coup.
Then we had some delicious Mexican food and I may or may not have had a margarita. At like 9:00 at night.
Summer is killing me.
One last stop to pick up a couple of grocery items and then we were home.
Huge, huge sigh of relief.
Son #1 is at the lake house, taking care of the house and the animals. Son #3 is going there tomorrow to help him, and I'll be heading up some time tomorrow or Friday to tag team it and give Son #1 a chance to return to Dallas for a few days before he comes back down to take over the reins. Fortunately he's been interviewing for jobs so has some time to help out his grandparents.
D will be in the hospital for at least a week.
I'm glad that I'll be heading to NY next week because I canNOT imagine how cranky he'll be after only 2 or 3 days.
Hopefully they'll let him keep the morphine pump for as long as possible.
That's all the news that's fit to report, folks.
And really, most of it wasn't all that fit.
It's time for me to fall into a coma.
And then catch up on as many things as possible around here.
Which just makes me want to stay in a longer coma.
sigh .....
Happy Wednesday/Thursday, Peeps.
And thanks for your prayers.
Oh, and Lisa's dr. visit went well. Incredibly, she won't need surgery. They're going to cast it i a couple of weeks and then she should be good to go.
Even though she did break both sides of her left ankle.
Go figure.
Night, Peeps.
: )
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