I went to the lake for the 4th to hang with Mom and D and took a friend. Then I talked Son #1 into driving down to the lake from Big D ...... in the dead of night.
And then ...... the next day I talked Daughter #2 into joining us on Sunday. And she did!
Not only did she join us on Sunday, but Son #2 fell under my charms and drove up Monday morning! Son #3 had to work all weekend so 3 out of 6 was all I could manage.
I was so glad that they were there.
While they were there this lovely lady got the news she/we had been waiting for: She's been hired for the job she really, really wanted and starts tomorrow!!! I'm SO proud of her!!!!
We had fun going out in the boat, meeting Mom and D for dinner at the marina, riding in the boat some more, swimming in the lake, going off of the rope swing ...... and having my first ride ever in an ambulance!
Yep, you read that right.
An ambulance.
And many, many first responders.
All at my house.
We were getting ready to get back out in the boat, when Lisa stepped out of the house, stepped down a step ...... and proceeded to break her ankle into pieces.
Thus putting an end to our water plans.
They put her into the back of the ambulance and I got to sit up front. It was a bit exciting, but less than it could've been if they'd had the sirens blasting. They don't do sirens if it's a "non-emergency".
I'm not sure what they were thinking because I could see Lisa's face and hear the words that came out of her mouth and that alone told me this was a big emergency!!
She felt much better after this injected some morphine into her system. I'm sure the EMT riding back there with her felt much better, too.
: )
We spend the next few hours just laying/sitting in an ER room, waiting for a dr to order X-rays, look at x-rays, decide if he'd do surgery, give her a splint and/or give her something else for the horrific amount of pain she was in.
He decided no, yes and no ...... and then sent her home. He did give her a prescription (for 3 days) to take the edge off. He was a real care giver, minus the word "care".
We went back to the lake and she relaxed and snoozed the rest of the night away. Son #1 made us a wonderful dinner, again.
Today Lisa stayed in bed, trying not to move her ankle around too much. I worked on my computer, trying to create more memory on it, and started attacking all of the waiting e-mails I have from people who want to be Regional Group Leaders for Soaring Spirits.
And let me tell you, there are a bunch!!!
Late this afternoon I got us all packed up and headed from home. Lisa's hubby was waiting for her with a wheel chair, which is much easier for her to use than crutches.
I came home and unpacked, went through my mail, paid bills and waited for Mom and D to arrive so that they can spend the night here ..... and get up at 5 A.M, rather than 3:30 or 4 at the lake.
I'm spent.
I pray the surgery goes really well tomorrow, mostly so he'll be able to have the other knee operated on soon and stop being in so much pain all of the time.
Next week I'm going to NY for a few days.
I need me some NY time.
Mel and her lovely daughter are going to visit me there and hopefully we'll get together with all of the NY Wids that are waiting to have a blast with us. : )
OK, that's it.
I need to go to bed.
But I still have a WV post to write.
I hope I get a quick inspiration!
Happy Tuesday/Wednesday, Peeps.
: )
And Happy First Day of Work, Daughter #2. Te amo!!!!!
1 comment:
sounds like a lovely weekend without of course the ankle incident. so many prayers for your friend. So excited for Daughter 2, what is the job? I hope it's one that allows frequent time off so she can visit in NYC some!!!! Prayers too for your stepdad - knees are not easy, but so worth it after the rehab process. Make sure he stays on top of the pain - and doesn't try to be "tough" or stretch out to long between doses. If he manages it well in the beginning he won't be on the pain meds that long and rehab in the long run will be so much easier. And he will like his PT so much more if he doesn't think their sole purpose in life is to torture him!!!!!
love you, and can't wait for NYC!!! Any idea when the Wids want to hit town? Several of my south jersey wids want to come this time.!
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