Monday, July 21, 2008

I'm too old for college

This is a picture of My 3 Sons (well, and Jim and me).  Son #1 is the proud salmon catcher.  
Alaska, 2007

    I think this day has taught me that I will not be returning to college.  Ever.  I'm tired of sitting and heck, I skipped out on over 2 hours of parent sessions this afternoon to hang out with my dear Dallas friend (formerly my dear Kingwood, Louisiana and Singapore friend) C.  We used the time to just sit and talk.  I hadn't seen her since December, and I really didn't get to see her much that day.
     And when I was sitting I had to fight off sleeping.  I lost that fight in one session.  I mean really, how many times can you hear the same kind of talks?  This is number 4.  I think I have it down.  I enjoyed the few times that I was able to sit with Son #1 because he and I have fun -- sometimes when we're supposed to be listening.  I wonder where he got that?  But he spent most of his time with the other students while I stayed with the parents, most of whom have never sent a child off to college.  
     He is now hanging with said students for the night.  They're sleeping in a dorm.  This means I'm alone in the hotel room.  I'm not sure I've been this "alone" since December.  I've spent time at my home alone, of course, but I knew the kids would be coming home or that I could call a friend to drop by if I needed someone.  But I've not spent a night alone ..... all alone.  So far it's OK.  
     Well, except for the fact that there's NOTHING good on TV!  C'mon .... "Wanna Bet"?  Really?!  And some audition show for High School Doofus Musical 52?  Guess I'll have to read.

     Oh, by the way, this morning's shower was a unique experience.  You can only see half of that shower in the picture I took.  You could fit at least 4 people in that thing!  Although I'm not sure why you'd want to do that.  I don't even think there's one person I'd ........... never mind.  Let's just say it was HUGE.
     And, it had those jets that spray out all over your body.  Now THAT was an experience.  I think I must be shorter than the average swanky-hotel stayer, because the top jet hit me in the hollow of my throat, the second one hit me mid-thigh and the bottom one hit me in the kneecap.  And when I say "jets", I mean super-sonic jets.  Coming-out-of-the-wall-like-a-massive- spray-of-stinging-bees jets.  Which, by the way, does not feel so great in the hollow of your neck, your thigh or your kneecap.  I'm not sure what was supposed to be gained by that, but I think I totally missed the point.  All I know is -- when it comes to re-doing my shower, I'm saying "no" to the jets.

     And now, let me address all of you swanky-hotel managers out there (because I know there must be tens of ....... well, maybe one?) reading my blog.  I have made an observation (alert the presses!):

     One would think that most of the people who stay in your hotels would be above the age of 40.  And if your guests are above the age of, say ... 40, then they probably do not have the eye power that they possessed when they were, say .... 30. Hang with me here.  I do have a point.
     And here it is ....... if you are a swanky hotel manager then please, for the love of all that is holy, do NOT use a teeny bottle of something called "Apres Shampooing" in your showers!! That's because the majority of your guests, who are over .... you know, 40... can't tell that it says anything but SHAMPOO (I realize that I'm making a huge generalization here -- not).  So said guests rub and rub and rub their head but to no avail.  Suds do not appear when one is using "Apres Shampooing".  So then one has to pick up the teeny bottle with the even teenier writing on it and squint while hot stinging bee-jets are hitting her --- I mean, him or her --- in the hollow of his throat! 
    Now, do you know what happens when a person who is getting stabbed in the throat by jets looks down to read teeny bottle writing?  She ...... dang, I mean, he OR she ..... gets stabbed in the EYES by said killer jets!!!  That makes it very hard for the guest to find the real shampoo bottle!
      So, not that I've had this experience myself ...... because there's no way I'm so old that my 
eyes are that bad ----- I'm just saying ..... it could happen.  
     Now you'll have to excuse me because I need to go put eye drops into my red, sore eyes.

     Oh, before I go I thought I'd share some pictures of the kitties that Son #1 took.  

                                               George and Colby love each other .... a lot.

                        And they have finally quit hissing and growling at Rigby -- what a cute little                                     family!:

                                                      How do they sleep like that?!!


Annie said...

Love reading your blog...just came across it. I lost my husband last year as well, it is nice to relate to someone else.

Anonymous said...

You are so awesome! You have made me laugh and I really needed to laugh. I don't laugh enough....and I agree about the tiny writing on those shampoo bottles. Totally agree they should use much larger print and also use darker lettering or at least put a S for shampoo and a C for conditioner!!!! I will have to admit being over 50 that I do have that problem. Thanks for bringing it to the management's attention. Always in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Okay.... they are SO boyfriend and girlfriend.

Love and miss you!

Anonymous said...

Doesn't that swanky place have Showtime....Weeds is on tonight and last weeks episode was soooo good. Not a family show though! J is glad Rigby is aclimating!

Anonymous said...

Good evening my darling daughter. What terrific kitty pics. They are all so sweet. The pics as well as the kitties. And you made me laugh tonight. That shampoo thing...too true! Hope your trip home is relaxing. I'll see you soon. If not tomorrow, still soon. Love you bunches. Oh yes, I scared the you-know-what out of your decorator lady. I hope she comes back, but I can't make any promises. :-)

Leece said...

Hi Janine - the shower made me laugh out loud. And your kitties....sooooo cute. I'm sort of resigned to the parachute jump now - it's in God's hands. I know with all my heart that Ronnie will be laughing his socks off as we go up in that plane as my fear of heights was a sourse of great amusement to him!!! :) Have a lovely day. Love and prayers.Lisa

Janet N said...

I slathered body wash on thinking it was body lotion. Back in the shower I went!!

Unknown said...

ha that was hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Laugh Out Loud, the Killer Jets were Hilarious

Unknown said...

I too laughed out loud which made my husband ask what's so funny? Your graphic description of the shower was hilarious! Not that you experienced anything like that.:) You sure know how those aging eyes work. Again not that you would know.:) I did go to college with you and figure our eyes are about the same age. Again not that we would know.:) Love you girl,

Anonymous said...

I love the way your writing can go from a could be sad situation to so freekin hillarious I almost pee my pants. Your going to write an incredible book one day and I will get to say...thats MY sister! The kittens are just to dang cute too. to blog I go. :)