Friday, July 25, 2008

It's always something .....

Short post.  
I'm supposed to be on my way to the Foreigner concert with my 3 sons.  Instead, I'm laying in bed, waiting for some super-duper pain meds to kick in.  It would seem that I have a kidney stone.  I've never had anything like this before.  Not fun.  
Didn't sleep much last night because my back hurt.  I kept wondering how I'd managed to pull a back muscle when all I did was drive to dinner last night!!!
Anyway, it got worse and worse today so I finally called the doctor this afternoon ----- 3:00 on a Friday --- what are the odds?  They told me to come right in, which I did.  They did the test and then she said it was either a kidney infection or stone(s).  She sent me over for a STAT ct scan (because we just haven't had enough of those this year!).  She said they may end up admitting me.  I haven't heard anything from the CT results.  In the meantime she told me to load up on the meds, drink tons of liquids and see how it goes.  If the pain meds don't handle the pain then I have to go to an ER.  
It could be a very exciting weekend.


Anonymous said...

Not fun! If you need anything while the boys are gone, let me know. We're in town all weekend. I'm bumbed for you missing the concert. I love that band.
Amy A.

Anonymous said...

I understand the pain from kidney stones is excruciating. Thank God for pain meds!!! Call if you need anything.

A & M

Anonymous said...

Enough is enough! Love you, wish I lived closer and could help in some way (could I possibly occupy your seat at the concert?). Oh no....ridiculous....hope it "passes" soon.

Anonymous said...

I am SO sorry you are in pain. I'm praying it's not a kidney stone and you will not have to go to the ER.

Anonymous said...

Oh my, I always have found kidney stones fasinating. As my sister said when she had them, it was easier to deliver a baby then pass those stones. Don't take any chances error on the side of heading in for additional medical intervention. Some of those stones can be a bit trickier than others if that is what it ends up being.

Laura said...

I can completely sympathize with you on the kidney stone issue. I had 8 with each pregnancy and have learned a lot about lovely kidney stones.

#1 They are awful and bring more pain than giving birth.

#2 Drinking lots of lots of water is your best bet to get rid of them.

#3 Someone told Nate that eating watermelon, and especially the white part of the rind, is a good way to flush them out. I think that's ridiculous, but I have eaten the rind before and the stone came out. :)

#4 If you have to go to the hospital, don't go to Northeast. I waited for 8 hours one time before I was seen for kidney stones (when we lived in Kingwood).

#5 The pain meds at the hospital are wonderful:)

I'll be thinking of you and praying for the stones to go away!

Luanne said...

I'm praying for your pain. Hope if it is indeed a kidney stone it will pass soon.
