This is the crew from our 1997 trip to Disney World. Note the yellow t-shirts. This was a family tradition which our children hated. I shall have to dig up some more pics to show you all. Jim and I also wore the same color. Trust me, when you take 6 kids to a fun-filled theme park with walking mice, ducks, dogs, princesses, whatevers, and thousands of children, some whom may resemble yours, you want to be able to recognize yours from behind as you're dive-bombing him at a run so that you can grab him before some psycho thug can!! Which, yes, can also be quite embarrassing when you've dive-bombed the wrong kid.
ANYWAY, the kids hated them. We, as parents, loved them because their usefulness came in many, many times when several of our children (who's sex and identity won't be revealed here) would totally forget where they were and then bolt off to ride the Tea Cups. Then we'd spread out and look for the same colored t-shirt with a kid inside. We considered it a bonus if we snatched one of ours. :)
ANYWAY AGAIN, I digress.
The point of this post is to catch you all up with the wondrous and varied activities of our offspring.
So, back to my wonderful children:
Daughter #1 is in her 2nd week of classes at Harvard. Six days a week. Lots and lots of reading and outside studying. She's overwhelmed and very happy all at the same time. I think we can safely say that she likes it,
Daughter #2 was supposed to be staying in San Diego (you know, Paradise!) and working for J & L by helping out with S. A decent job I must say. Well, it also seems that the camp where the daughters have worked each summer for few years is desperately in need of counselors. So they contacted Daughter #2 to beg her to come back for the rest of the summer. She finally agreed and came home Monday and then left yesterday. Let's just hope she doesn't jump around like a crazed monkey and re-break her foot!
Daughter #3 stayed at school to take some classes this summer. I think basically likes it, though she'd rather be home for the break. She's finding out that there's less to do in a college town in the summer than during the school year. In fact, whenever she gets a free day she seems to heading off to the afore mentioned camp to work. She stays busy that way. Oh, and she made excellent grades for the first summer term.
Son #1 is at said camp this week ..... his last year as a camper. He will miss it. He's working his regular job when he's home and crossing off his college-needs list as he shops. This is made a bit difficult by his school, which doesn't tell people who they will be rooming with until 2 weeks before school starts. That makes it a bit difficult to decide what to get for the room. But he's excited and ready to go. He and I are going to orientation next week.
Son #2 is taking summer school. He liked it the first day --- not so much now. I hope that he gets over that and works hard for the next few weeks. I know he can do it -- he's very smart for someone who doesn't like school.
He's also loving the x-box. Oh, and he turns 16 on Sunday. Woot!
Son #3 has been doing an athletic camp every morning for the past 2 months (when we're home). He managed not to throw up on the first day this year, so that was a huge improvement.
He is also loving the x box and his brother's hand-me-down computer. And going out for Mexican food whenever he can talk me into it. Not to spend time with me, mind you, but for the food. Oh yeah, I rate.
Well, there you go .... that's the latest update.
Here are some pics of S and Rigby. She loved this kitten. He was very patient and good with her. I don't think he enjoyed the closeness that she valued so highly, but he took it like a trooper. Although I must say that he mostly wore an expression that said, "Please help me." most of the time.
He took it all like a champ and was very good with her. I think she may be bombarding J with kitten requests now, for which he is ever grateful to me. :)
Thanks for the updates, the tortured life of kittens, and the reflections of identical shirts. On the shirts, love them as an adult, hated them as a kid!
Oh gosh, those tortured kitty pictures just made me laugh. You are in big trouble with S's dad since we have to pretend we are kitties to play with her. She will say, "I Rigby" and then we have to meow or purr and she pets our head. I was reading Good Housekeeping magazine in bed yesterday morning (early I should add) and there was a catfood ad which she started pointing at saying thats Rigby. Reminders are everywhere.
Yesterday she walked up to me a little before lunch and said, "I miss daughter #2". We miss her but understand. You only have so many college summers before you enter the real world.
I better go. Our new crew of visitors started arriving yesterday. We miss you all!
Thanks for the update on your kids . . . I was laughing so hard my eyes are watering from your description of the cat and being stuffed her and there.
The pics of poor Rigby are Hillarious!!!!!! That cat is a good sport. I can't believe he just layed there and let her do that. Too Funny! I can't believe son #2 is soon to be 16. Watch out world (and all the young women his age I might add) YES P...you got it! Love you all tons.
Do you remember Chino (the wonder cat)? I think what made him the cat he was, was the treatment he endured like you describe here...I say bring it on!
Your post made me smile on two fronts.... the first is the matching shirts when going somewhere as a group. I used to make all my kids wear bright lime green t-shirts. Especially on the beach. Oh the fight... then, the second part of your post I enjoyed so much is the cat with the little girl.
Too funny. I am from a family of 3 girls, I could also dig up a few pictures that look just like the ones you posted.
Great post. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such kind comments.
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