This is how I feel so no post tonight. Son #1 and I got home around 6:00. Then the other sons and I took my Mom and D out for dinner (she stayed here with the boys while I was gone). Then they left and I started cleaning and trying to get this place looking a bit better, in spite of having one wall ripped away and the wires and pipes open to the world. It's SO lovely.
So I'm pooped. And going to bed. And still haven't unpacked ----- well, except for the most important item -- my laptop!!!
Nite all.
Good afternoon my darling daughter. How is the ac situation? And you need to chill out on the cleaning thingy. Just a waste of your energy that can be used for a much better cause, I'm sure. I am waiting on the stove repair person to get here. Sure hope he/she can get it fixed today!Love you bunches.
AC was working when we came home last night -- yay! Needed a new capacitor. Not cheap but could've been worse.
Not cleaning a whole lot, just trying to get the "disgustingness" gone.
Good luck with the stove!!!
Love you.
Stove's working!!
We too needed a new "Flux" capacitor - at least that's what I called it, much to the dismay of the ac repairman. I guess he wasn't a big fan of "Back to the Future". I was just happy that it wasn't something more serious. :)
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