OK, it's after 1 am and I am still way too pooped to post. Sorry about that, but trust me, there was nothing exciting going on around here. I hung out with the boys all day long and then went to dinner with some girl friends. We had a lot of fun. :)
So now it is WAY too late and I have to be on the tennis courts at 8:45 a.m.! It's a dirty job, but SOMEBODY has to do it!!!
I'll try to make a much better post tomorrow. I hope you're all being patient (here's where you all come in and post and tell me how patient you're being!!!!)
I was driving somewhere yesterday, wondering about you and all that you "handle" when an image of Jim (more like a video) came to mind. The "video" touched that part of my brain which doesn't allow doors to be closed or books to be shut or relationships to end. I realized that I still anticipate seeing Jim at church or in your house or over dinner somewhere. When I register these thoughts in my heart I feel empty and, if I may borrow a word you've used though I certainly do not understand the intensity which is attached to your use of it...I feel numb. Thank you for the word. It describes something which is real.
Thursday - tennis - keep your eye on the ball. Al
Yes we are!
I came on to tell you; patiently waiting ;-).....
...then I read Al's comment.Wow! Very powerful words. Thoughtfully and lovingly written. Those words touched me so deeply because they are so close to my own heart and how I have been feeling for the past 7 months.
Thank you Al.
J, I love you ~K
J, I guess you could say I'm a lurker :). My dear friend RF gave me your blog, I think you know that already. Your words have brought me great comfort in my time of grief. I have read How You Can Help Me twice now. It really hits home. I'm in mth 4 now and the grief seems stronger now than before. I feel as you do, NUMB! I still wait to wake up from a horrible dream. My husband was Bryon and he was such a great husband, Father and friend. I feel like I know you and Jim personally. Thank you for allowing me to be a lurker and taking comfort in knowing that my thoughts and feelings are not uncommom. Your strength and courage are awesome and your are an inspiration to me. Thank you for sharing. Connie C.
Janine - I do think about you often. Glad your Mom is here now. Good luck with the kitchen - been there done that - not always fun.
God's love to you always
Thank you, Connie. I'm so glad you "came out" to say hi.
And I am so very, very sorry that you are on this path. It sucks.
I know it feels like it much of the time, but you are not alone. You can e-mail me if you'd like so we can "talk". Or you can just keep "lurking"..... whatever you're comfortable with.
I'm glad you're out there, though I'm also sorry that you are.
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