Monday, May 30, 2011

Monday Moments ....

.... to be thankful.
In spite of ...... well, just in spite of.
And sometimes ..... because of ..... the very same things.

#51.  Sitting cozily on my bed on a rainy morning with my daughter.
#52.  Sharing laughter with my youngest.
#53.  Listening to the sounds in my "quiet" home:  the steady ticking of a clock, the sound of rain as it hits my roof, the hum of the dryer .... and the contentment I feel.
#54.  Reading the comment of a complete widowed stranger .... who connects with my words ... and with my heart.
#437.  The slight lifting of a sadness that has clung to me for several days.  The knowledge of a great life, with Jim and now, after him ...... because of him.  Being grateful for him, even in my sadness, for the important dates this past week .... and in the missing of him.
#438.  For Son #1 and the blessing of being his mom for 21 years.
#439.  A day to remember Jim and the memories of our wedding day.  And that day getting to watch Son #2 graduate.
#440.  Time spent with Jim's brother and his family and with my children.  Their support of Son #2 and of me.  And for friends who are really more family than friends.
#441.  The Tennis Channel and the French Open!  And being able to unload my feelings, concerns, and grief to a friend who "gets it" .... in more ways than one.  And for Memorial Day ..... a day to remember loved ones, to spend time just hanging around the house with my guys ..... and with friends.  A day to cherish our memories and to be happy to have them ..... and the knowledge that I'd do it all over again, even knowing how it would end.

Peace, Peeps ..... and Happy Memorial Day.


Deborah said...

Joining you from Multitudes on Mondays. I love you list, especially # 54. I also read "Your Story". I'm so sorry for your loss but lift words of praise the your family was given that gift of "time" (however brief it was). Your husbands sounds like an amazing made who had a beautiful family. Thanks for sharing.

Deborah said...

Wow! Sorry for so many typo's above. Thanks what I get for not proofing.

Janine said...

Thanks so much Deborah .... it's nice to meet you! Thank you for your kind words .... and for taking the time to read my story. I know that took quite a while since it's pretty long. :)
Now I'll have to go check out your Monday Multitudes!

James Marker said...

These all of the Monday moments are amazing such that they are very common and mostly happen with everyone. And even though in Monday morning these things also happen with me in the same way.

Kevin said...

Wow! Great post...