Wednesday, June 8, 2011

So It's Tuesday ....

UPDATE:  So if you've noticed that I tend to post more often when I'm feeling good (and really bored) then you might notice that I haven't written anything today ..... on here or on Facebook.  Not a terrific day, pain-wise.  I keep waking up around 6:30 .... in pain.  Lots of it.  This morning it was worse than usual .... with both my shoulder and hip.  So it's been a very quiet day.  It's not unexpected to have bumps in the road, but still ..... it's frustrating and disappointing.
But I'm going to Circle tonight .... all drugged up.  And no,  I'm not driving.  A couple of my lovely friends offered to pick me up (they may not have realized that that's exactly what they may have to do .... literally!).  I'd like to just stay home, quietly suffering in my room .... but where's the fun in that?!  I know they'll make me feel better and I'll be very glad that I went.  Maybe not in the morning, but some time after that I'll still be glad.  :)
And I'm still optimistic.  And hoping that tomorrow will start off better than today did.

.... which means that it's really Wednesday in most places on earth.

Things are going well.
So well, in fact that I find myself waiting for the proverbial "other shoe" to drop.
It hasn't yet .... and so I am choosing to look forward.  If it falls .... it falls.  I have learned that there is nothing I can do .... if it does.

I stayed home today and tried to stay on the quiet side.
I am happy to report that I was able to take my first full-blown shower today.
It was heavenly.

A good friend stopped by to bring the sons and me some dinner.  Thank you so much, D.  We loved it!

I've taken the pain meds today on an "as needed" basis.  Which is less than every 4 hours.
I'm happy to report that the "as needed" basis has worked today.
Who knows if it will work tomorrow?  But I'm optimistic.

I did manage to do some dishes today, as well as clean out the office .... and my bedroom.  And folded laundry.
I'm happy with the results.

The Daughters are coming home Thursday night.  Well, one of them is.  I think the other one will arrive Friday morning ..... before we have to leave for the airport ....I hope.

I think that my shoulder will be OK for the trip, as long as I remember to not drag a heavy piece of luggage behind me ..... or put a heavy carry-on into the bin above my seat.

Actually, it's not the shoulder that's giving me problems today.  It's my hip.  Again.  Yes .... again.
Most of you know that my left hip has bothered me since my surgery in February of 2009.  But now, at this moment in time ..... it's my right hip that is causing the problems.  And I'm not sure why.
I remember putting things in my suitcase, on the last day of our cruise, and standing up to realize that my right hip was in agony.  It was like I popped it out of place or something.
And ever since then, it's been a huge pain in the a**.
Freakingly huge.

So I'm guessing that once we get past this shoulder issue, I'll bring up the "hip issue".
Getting old totally sucks.
I may have to punch Jim in the jaw when I see him
 in Heaven.
For leaving me here to get older and older while he just hangs out in Heaven and has a great time.
Sigh ......

That's all for today, Peeps.
I'm glad that some of you, including "W', are pleased that I am updating m blog every day, sometimes 3 time a day.
It's good to know that you derive some sort of satisfaction from my boredom.

Happy Tuesday/Wednesday  Peeps.


susan said...

i forget...where are you heading now?

susan said...

never mind. just read the previous post, which i had missed. enjoy beth. and priscilla. wish i was going. btw, did you hear that Beth is no longer at HFBC?

Lisa said...

Glad to see you are getting day at a time!! Who was your surgeon and when do you start therapy?

Janine said...

Susan .... No, I had not heard that. Wow! Now you know you can't leave me hanging. Why? And any idea where she is now? How long ago did that happen?

Lisa ..... Muscat with Fondren here. I won't start therapy until late next week or the week after.
One day at a time is right. Sometimes only one half of a day!

susan said...

actually, i've made it more dramatic than it probably is...she just announced it sunday. she left to join her daughter's church. actually that's the church her son in law is just starting. can you imagine going to a 50 person church and finding out beth moore goes there? she's still doing tuesday nights at HFBC though.

Janine said...

Ahhhh. Well good, I'm glad she'll still be there for Tuesdays. I think it's neat that she'll be supporting her son-in-law and daughter. And yes, it would totally freak me out to go visit a small church one Sunday and see her there as a greeter! :)

Beth said...

hoping you are doing okay as you haven't posted in a bit. Hopefully it is packing and getting ready for your weekend with your daughters and not too much pain and discouragement keeping you away from your blog. Hang in there. Continued prayers for pain free recovery, not only of your shoulder but quick resolution of your hip problem as well.