I've had to keep the dressing on my shoulder since the surgery. Until I went in to see my doctor. Today.
He removed it, none too gently I might add.
I was surprised to see that my shoulder looked like this:
And this:
I have three incisions.
I thought I would have one.
I thought wrong.
One in the front of my shoulder, one on the side and one in the back.
No wonder my shoulder hurts so much!!
Actually, other than the surprise of multiple holes in my body, they actually look pretty good. Gross, but pretty good.
I go in next week to have the stitches removed and will then start physical therapy.
Really, though .... it hasn't been as bad as I had feared. And, though it's still too early to tell for certain, I think that the pain I was experiencing before (and had been experiencing for the last 3 + years) may be gone. It's difficult to tell the difference between that pain and the my-shoulder-has-been-cut-into-in-three-separate-places pain.
As I told you yesterday, I slept much better Saturday night.
And then yesterday I took my meds every 4 hours. All day.
And I felt much better.
In fact, I felt so much better that I over did it.
I decided that I was going to wash my hair.
And then I decided to keep washing.
So I sort of took a semi-shower/sponge bath. I couldn't take a full-fledged shower because I couldn't get the dressing wet. If I did get it wet that meant an immediate trip to the ER. Seriously.
So I semi-showered.
And shaved my legs.
Then dried my hair.
And did some laundry and cleaned the kitchen.
I was on a roll.
Look closely at my forehead if you get the chance.
I think it says S-T-U-P-I-D.
I woke up this morning around 6:30 ..... in a huge wave of pain.
It got me out of bed. And looking for my meds.
I promptly took a pill and then went back to sleep.
Only to wake up 30 minutes later when my cat decided to crawl up on my shoulder and sit there.
I think I flew out of the bed.
As did he.
And then he went out the door, which was shut firmly behind him.
And I again returned to bed ... and to sleep.
I took it easy this morning, after I got out of bed for the last time.
But I didn't take any more pain pills. I can't take those things and then drive a car.
Well, I don't know that for sure, but since I seem to lack any semblance of balance once I take one, I figured that driving a huge piece of machinery might not be a great idea.
So I remained drug-free so that I could drive to my appointment at 2:00.
After the appointment I decided that I needed to run an errand to Target. And then spent about an hour there. That was because I intended to have the pharmacy fill a prescription for me ..... and then forgot to do it. Until I was done shopping. Which meant that after I remembered and dropped it off .... I had to kill time shopping some more.
Needless to say, I left with quite a few things that were not on my list going in.
But that's OK .... because I do love me some Target.
After spending the last 3 days in my bedroom I decided to get a new comforter and curtains .... to lighten things up a bit.
Once I found a comforter I liked, I of course had to find a couple of pillows to match.
And then a rug or two.
And some colorful bins to keep me organized.
It was kind of my version of, "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie".
Now that I'm back in my room, on doctor/self imposed bed rest .... I'm much happier with the look.
Yes, it doesn't take much to make me happy these days.
Try being imprisoned in your bedroom and see how long it takes for you to decide that you want a new look.
By the time I got home tonight I was in dire need of pain meds.
And so I took them.
And things look rosy again.
The doc said that I could make the trip this weekend to Louisville with Daughters 2 & 3.
Which was nice of him, but not really necessary.
I would've gone with .... or without .... his blessing.
I am SO looking forward to this weekend .... and sharing it with the Daughters. Beth Moore and Priscilla Shirer. If you're not familiar with 2 amazing women you need to Google them.
And, to top it all off ..... I am going to meet a blog Peep/reader/friend.
I can hardly wait!
It's going to be a great weekend.
Especially if I don't forget to pack my meds.
Well, my internet has gone out .... yet again.
Technology ...... love it/hate it ..... it's a very fine line, is it not?
So even though I started this post on Monday night ..... it looks like it may be sometime on Tuesday before I am able to post it.
Having said that .....
Happy Monday/Tuesday/Whenever Peeps!

It's wondeful to hear you're feeling SO GOOD! Even a shopping trip WOW and you thought you couldn't do anything . The shoulder looks great BTW. I bet that shower felt heavenly.. Funny thing is the word i'm supposed to type to make this post valid is deetoxd. But I think you better keep taking some of those wonder drugs for a little while yet. It looks like it won't be long before you're back to your better than before self before long :) Take care
Sounds like you are on the up side of mending. I'm proud of you. You have done just great. Bet you re going to be so glad you had the surgery done. Just keep those meds handy.
glad to hear things are going relatively well in your healing process. Your weekend trip sounds wonderful; have wanted to see/hear Beth Moore, I am sure you will enjoy, especially since you'll be spending time with your daughters.
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