The "do do's" are to indicate that "here comes the pain" is being sung (NOT to talk about intestinal issues, for those of you who were going there).
Two points to the first Peep who knows what song keeps running through my mind, with those words.
This post should probably be entitled "Whine #3", but hopefully I won't whine that much.
Last night was rough.
Really, really rough.
I've been taking the pain meds regularly, every 5 hours, like
Wait one darn second!!!
Holy smokes! I just checked the label .... it says to take it every FOUR hours. DANG!!!! I've been cheating myself out of an hour this whole time!!!!
..... deep breathing here ......
OK, I'm back. I can't believe I didn't know that. And yes, I really DID just now see it and write about it at the same time.
I think I'm a totally
Hold on ..... Roger's getting ready to win the first set .....
Dang. His drop shot was out.
OK, where was I?
Ahhh yes, pain meds.
And last night.
So I've been taking them at what I THOUGHT was the prescribed recommended basis, but last night the pain slammed into my body at around 6:30.
--Crap! Nadal just held his serve. Now it's 5-3---
I don't know what happened. I was just sitting on my bed and all of a sudden I was moaning and doing Lamaze breathing. Ironically, I was doing the Lamaze breathing pretty much the way I did it during labor (yeah, when you go through 5 labors you tend to remember these things).
Way too fast. Which sometimes leads to hyperventilating, as Jim tried to tell me when I was in labor with Daughter #1. I think that when he mentioned that fact for about the third or eleventh time I may or may not have uttered the words, "Shut up!" Which he immediately did. At that moment the nurse walked in, looked at me and said, "She needs to slow her breathing down or she's going to hyperventilate."
I refused look up to see what I know was the look of triumph on his face.
I digress again.
And now Nadal has won another game and it's 5-4.
At least it's proving to be a great match.
And yes, I did take a pain pill an hour ago. Why do you ask?
So, the pain was a true bitch last night.
After about 2 hours I gave in and took another pain pill. At the time I thought it was way too early, though I did it anyway.
Now I know it wasn't THAT early. (I really can't get over that!)
I may or may have not added some Baileys into the scenario.
And yes, I know that's a huge no no.
I was desperate.
And it worked.
Or maybe I just didn't care at that point .... it's difficult to remember.
So, rough night.
But after that I did manage to sleep better than the night before.
And I got what I think may be good news: I don't think I'll have to use the sling after tomorrow!
The hospital called to check on me (wasn't that sweet?) and the very perky lady said something about my doctor not wanting me to let my shoulder get stiff ..... meaning, in my mind, that I should be using my right arm.
----Wow! Great 'get' on Roger's drop shot by Nadal! He may break Roger's serve here .... CRAP! Roger just hit it into the net! Nadal is up 6-5------
So I am typing with two hands at the moment. Yay!
I see the doc tomorrow at 2:00.
I had a dream last night that my shoulder was almost feeling normal today. Meaning that it still gave me pain but not the I-just-had-surgery-on-it pain that I'm having in real life.
Hopefully that's a prophecy and the pain will be less today.
Or I'm going to need some more Baileys.
I have to end the post here, Peeps.
I'm sorry, I know you want more (which is always how one should leave people) but Roger needs me.
He just
I need to save my strength to cheer him on and telepathically send him loads and loads of encouragement.
I'll check in with you all later .... unless I'm too weak.

P.S. Beth .... I love you!!! Thank you so much!!!! It's perfect. :)
You will have a great laugh when you re-read your post from this morning-I know I did!
The song running through your head is "Here comes the sun" and now thanks to you, it is running through my head!
So sorry for your pain but we'll continue to pray that you will have a bionic arm/shoulder when this is all over.
Love you!
Very good job, Nat!!
Oh I already had a good laugh just writing it.
And you're welcome.
For the song.
All day. :)
gee, that's what I get for being a good girl and going to church - I miss the chance to be the first one to guess "Here Comes the Sun" oh well! Now it will probably be running through my mind all day!!!
Hopefully the every 4 hours will work out better. Can you take something like an over the counter pain reliever in between doses of the Rx one? as long as it's not both tylenol or both ibuprofen in the base it might just work (but probably should check with your doc, don't take my advice - just know it worked for me after a minor but very painful procedure a few months ago).
continued prayers for continued healing; if I lived closer (I'm in NJ) i'd offer to be your physical therapist, but then you probably wouldn't like me very much cuz I'd probably be causing you more pain. guess it's good thing you just know me in blog world!!!!!
LOL Beth! I do recall calling my PT an ass a few months ago. I also accused him of getting way too much pleasure from watching me work so hard. So yes, it probably is best that we're blog friends. You like me much better than you would if I called you an ass. :)
Ü Continued prayers for you -- glad to see you still have a sense of humor even in all the pain! Love you! ❤
Too late! someone's already got in with Here Comes The Sun (little darling)
"It's allright (be dah de dah dah dee)"
That sure is an earworm!
And here's another one just wiggled into my ear...
"Tell Roger I love him..."' to the tune of...
"Tell Laura I Love Her" ?
And never mind, there is still the wonderful Wimbledon to come - my favourite tournament of all!
Every year after watching it I feel like taking up tennis!
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