.... is what I wrote about today on V's Caring Bridge sight. I updated her journal for her there. I will re-post it here, so that all of you wonderful Peeps will know how things stand today and how to continue praying.
As an aside, I'm surprised that she let me handle the update. She asked me to write one the night before last, so I just copied my last blog post and pasted it there, with a few additional comments.
Let's just say that Vicki, who is a much "gentler" writer than I am (she says it's inexperience. whatever.), was a little surprised. She laughed as she told me thank you and that she liked it, but to be frank, it was a very nervous laugh.
I think she was worried that her church family might be a bit taken aback by my "voice" on her site, especially since they've only heard her voice. And I say "voice", because those of you who know me can "hear" my voice saying the words you are reading. It's the same on her Caring Bridge site, which is her first attempt ever at writing, and she's done a wonderful job.
Just so everyone knows, though ..... I did warn her readers upfront and then I added my most sincere apologies at the end. I knew they'd be a bit shell shocked by then. :)
We finally have BOTH of them sleeping as I write this over in a corner of the hospital room.
Some of you may be surprised that I am here, since I was supposed to return yesterday.
Friday night V began (or really, continued) to feel overwhelmed. Her wonderful brother and sister in law (whom I adore!) were leaving the next morning, as was N, her terrific daughter (whom I also adore!). So she asked if I could stay longer and of course I immediately said yes. I'm so thankful that I can be here .... I'm not thankful that I have a reason to be here, of course, because it totally sucks that G had to have this disease and a then have the transplant (as another aside, I managed to refrain from using any form of the word "suck" on her CB site. It took a lot of strength .... a whole lot .... but I sweated it out).
She has done so much for me since Jim's death .... been with me and been strong for me when I could not be .... that I am blessed to be strong for her now.
So the plan is for me to return tomorrow .... as long as things look better today. At this point I'm considering staying another day. V's parents will arrive on Tuesday, which hopefully will be the day that G is released from the hospital. If things are still a bit rough tonight, I'll stay until Tuesday.
Thankfully, I have wonderful and compassionate children, who care deeply for their friends. I called Son #3 Friday night to talk to him about my staying until tomorrow, which is also his first day of school (no, not EVER .... his first day of his Jr. year, sheesh!). I wanted to see what he thought, how he felt about me being gone longer. His first question was, "Why? Is Grant ok?". I assured him that he was, but that V just needed me a bit longer. He said that I should do whatever they needed, and he didn't hesitate one nano second before saying that. He told me to stay as long as she wanted me to stay. The "emotional Mom" part of me got a little teary and warm and fuzzy.
The "highly-alert-for-suspicious-activity Mom" part of me broke through for a brief moment and thought, "Why? Are you going to have a keg party?!"
It was only a brief moment.
Don't judge my mothering.
I do enough of that myself.
I know how much he cares for G and the entire family.
The warm and fuzzy is still there. :)
On to the re-posting of my CB update:
This is Janine again.
Yesterday was a very good day, but today hasn't started off so well.
Grant started feeling really miserable around 4:00 a.m. and began vomiting. His system has also been "sluggish" about kicking in and moving things along so that has added to his misery. At around 8:00 a.m. they placed an NG tube to "compress" his stomach, to remove any additional liquids in there, and to try to get his system going.
Thankfully, it worked on his system. He didn't have much left in his stomach but it was able to remove a little.
He developed a fever while all of this was going on, which also made
Vicki miserable and everyone concerned, except for the dr., which I guess is good. She thought it was a result of all of the vomiting, which was a result from from his system still being a bit "paralyzed" after surgery. Also very normal.
I put a prayer request out via Twitter and Facebook and an hour later the fever had gone down. Praise God. :)
Hopefully it will continue to go back down to normal.
Since I began this entry the dr. came in and, very much to Grant's relief, and said that the NG tube could be removed. That tube was causing him more misery than anything else. He now looks and feels much better.
He can't have anything to eat or drink for the next several hours, which hopefully will ensure that he doesn't start vomiting again, causing them to re-insert the tube.
As I end this, he is starting to fall asleep, which he hasn't done since 4 a.m. I am planning on making sure that Vicki now lies down to get some sleep.
Please continue praying for his fever to return to normal, for his system to return to normal, for relief from pain and for some good, solid sleep.
Oh, and the "good, solid sleep" prayer also applies to Vicki.
As for the the other patient, he's becoming a lot less stubborn. :)
He and Grant both did quite a bit of walking yesterday (which was amazing since it was Grant's first day to even get out of bed!).
Roger is doing well today and is saying that he feels good.
I have been posting pictures on Facebook and would be happy to share them with you if you're on FB and want to "friend" me. Just let me know that you're a friend of Vicki's and I'll get you on ASAP. I'll check frequently to make sure to see any requests. I'm on FB as Janine Teague Eggers.
So, to wrap up in bullet points:
*Roger is doing well and feeling good
*Grant has had a very rough morning but is now doing much better and I'm listening to him as he is finally sleeping soundly.
*Vicki is hanging in there and feeling better, emotionally, than she was earlier. Much better.
*Vicki needs a lot of sleep.
*I'm going to make sure she gets some sleep, even if I have to slip something into her water. Trust me. :)
God is still good.
All the time.
So that's it, Peeps.
You have been updated.
I gave you a topic.
Now pray amongst yourselves.
Thank you.
And Happy Sunday.
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