Monday, November 19, 2007

And then .... depression set in.

OK, I guess I need to speak with someone who's gone on a mission trip before! I woke up so depressed this morning and if I think about it for more than a second I start crying.
I guess the best way to describe it is that every day in Kenya I woke up with a mission -- a huge purposeful day ahead of me, for several days.
Now what? What groceries do I need to buy and what's for dinner? It feels overwhelming.
I wish I had known to expect this and I hope and pray that it passes soon. I hate being depressed and I hate crying! I guess I need for God to show me what the "next step" is.
Daughters #2 & #3 will be home tomorrow (yay!!) so it'll be good to ask them if they experienced this when they returned from Kenya.
I think my wonderful husband is worried that I'm going to "dump him" (his words) and move there! Dump him -- never. Get him to move us all there? Hmmmmmm........ :)


Anonymous said...

I would definitely be okay with moving to Kenya! I'll start packing. :)
I can't wait to see you and talk about everything! Because I definitely know how you feel.
I love you a lot and I am sooooo proud of you!

Unknown said...

I hope you're feeling better! I think a lot of it is culture shock. I experience that when I come back from traveling, even not on a mission trip. One thing I've found with me is that even if I don't consciously rationalize the thought, going to 3rd world countries you see the difference beteween the way the rest of the world is, and our safe comfortable world... the difference is vast and so many people don't see what you got to see. It's a priceless opportunity. And these people with so little are often just as happy and so kind and generous...