First, a big shout out for Son #2, who made an A on an English test!! And another thank you to those who take the time to comment. Yesterday morning was particularly difficult yet it seemed I always got a comment at a time one was really needed. Thanks for the good thoughts & encouragment!
it's Thurs at 5 am. I'm trying to not wake up my room mates. It seems the rains here have messed with the water system. They have to pump it straight from the river--- a very, very muddy river. So last might I had a dirty river shower (yet another new experience!). It's critical that we keep our mouths closed in the showers here, but now even more so. One would think that would be easy to remember--whatever.
Yesterday we were so busy we hardly had time to take a drink! And when 5:00 came we still had over 100 people waiting so we decided to stay late. Well, around 6:00 someone started shouting for us to stop whatever we were doing & head to the van - now! It seems the "higher ups" had been promised we would never be on the road at night. Things have happened to other mission orgs before. Yikes! A dose of reality.
The highlight of my day was Sara. She's 97 and I was amazed! She didn't speak any english but when I put her glasses on her no language was needed. I wish I could capture this stuff on video for you because the absolute joy is impossible to describe. The people over 50 are my favorites. They all come so far for this. Frail, tiny Sara walked all morning w/ a cane. She was totally blind in one eye & nearly so in the other. When she got her glasses she just kept staring at everything in awe. She literally could not believe her eyes. All of the people waiting around her celebrated with her! Everyone was so happy for her!
I still can't believe that God has me here & is letting me be a part of all of this! I want to cry out that I am SO not worthy to be this blessed. Guess He thought He'd keep me balanced with muddy showers!
Another tear jerking story especially since my own "Granny" will be 97 on Nov.29th. My granny is strong but I can't imagine her walking all morning with her cane to get glasses. I wish I could have gone with you and experienced God at work but I feel blessed that YOU are giving us a day by day description of your mission time. It's not the same as being there but it sure feels good to read all about it. By the way, God thinks you ARE worthy-that's why you are there-free of charge basically. Love to you and everyone there,
You are so worthy! I will never forget when we were Hico and talking about God and I was afraid. O I hope you remember it's to long to type asked me if I believed in God and for the first time in a long time I was relieved to know that yes I do and he loves me. You have been with me although we are not in same states and God has made sure of that. You are Worthy! I love you. You are the bomb!!!!!
You and the team are right in the middle of a work of the Lord! The Spirit of God is moving in your heart! Wow!
I continue to pray for your safety and health. Oh, and that old cliche: "cleanliness is next to godlines" is not in the Bible. Your heart is clean, though your hair may be a bit gritty.
Thanks for being God's hands and feet in Africa!
(Luke 18:41"What do you want me to do for you?" "Lord, I want to see," he replied. Jesus said to him, "Receive your sight; your faith has healed you." Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus, praising God. When all the people saw it, they also praised God.)
You must have felt you witnessed this Bible story as Sara saw and everyone rejoiced with her and her new sight. Praying for you!
Blessings --- Mary
Well, I'm simply without words. Your experiences and the telling of them have simply lifted my heart. Praise God. I love you.
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