Quiet and yet busy and exciting all at the same time.
Son #3 left on Tuesday morning, bright and early, to go to Bonnaroo with a couple of friends. Three recently=graduated-18 year old males ...... headed to Tennessee.
The only reason I knew anything about Bonnaroo is because a friend of mine has attended it for the last few years .... and loved it.
If you have no idea what I'm talking about ...... think Woodstock. With a more "Indie" sound.
It's a pretty huge event. Each person attending has to wear at least one of those paper bracelets they put on your wrist. One of those bracelets allows them to take a shower.
A shower.
Not, a shower a day.
Or a shower a night.
But ...... A shower.
One. For the whole long weekend.
Thursday through Sunday.
Thank the Lord that I'm not in that tent/car.
Son #3 had the same idea I did: take your shower on the last day, before you get into your car and head out.
Great minds think alike.
Which makes me wonder how many other people are thinking the exact same thing?
Oh, well. He'll probably make a few hundred more friends while waiting in that line.
: )
So it's been quiet around here with just me and the dogs and the cat.
Ok, well, not all that quiet, but quieter than usual.
Just go with me.
Actually, it's been pretty nice.
I've had a lot of work to do with SS.
I had several Skype meetings lined up this week for all of our Regional Group Leaders.
And that is getting bigger by the day and much more involved than I would have guessed.
But I love it.
And then there's this:
I found out last week that the real estate market in our community is really hopping.
To say the least.
I know 3 people who have sold their homes without ever putting them on the market.
So I called a good friend from our Circle, who also happens to be a real estate agent. And I asked her for her opinion on the status of our real estate market here.
To which she replied, "Oh my word, it's unbelievable."
It seems that, in my neighborhood, there is a huge desire for a home with 5 bedrooms and a pool.
Which is what I have.
I told my friend that I really don't wan tot put it on the market right now, but if she knows of anyone who's serious about wanting this type of home, I'd be willing to let them see it and hear any offers.
She shared that with the agents she works with Wednesday night.
Thursday morning she received calls from 7 other agents.
It seems it's not only the weather that's hot here.
: )
Happy Saturday, Peeps.
How fabulous would it be to sell your house and be free of it (you know what I mean :)) without having to list it!! Between selling 2 houses while widowed -- our dream house (for start of life anyway) and then the it-seemed-like-a-good-idea-at-the-time-10-months-into-widowhood 2nd house -- and the insert and torture of the whole process, your scenario sounds like a dream come true! :)
Good luck! And see you in two weeks!!!!! Squee! (Anna just said that to me the other day. At 8 years old. Oy. :) At least she said she read it in one of her books vs hearing it at school, daycare, TV, etc.)
You and the dogs can move in with us until we sell our house! Not so sure about the cat! Does she climb on kitchen counters?
Wow - MUST be a good market! Would be wonderful if you could sell it without much effort. Can only imagine however that there must be some mixed emotions with the whole idea. Have you found anything smaller that you like? My offer to come down and help pack still stands!
My sister who lives in Summerwood has just put her house on the market as of Friday at 10:30pm. They had their first showing less than 16 hrs later. (They are moving closer to home, yay!!!!) Im sure your house will sell quick! Good luck ;)
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