...... in spite of the fact that I don't hear my body speaking to me until it's screaming. Hmmmm, I wonder if the kids would say that, too?
Today was better --- the pain in my back eased up, though I later started having shooting pains in other places. Still, not too bad ...... until tonight. Now my body seems to be mad that I took it out to dinner with the boys (but hey, only for about an hour) and it's mad that I didn't listen to D (who's only a nurse) and take pain meds today. I figured that since I could deal with it better today I didn't want to feel wiped out. She told me to keep taking them during the day since the pain comes in waves and it would be bad to have a wave hit and not be medicated.
Well, surf's up! Still not as bad as yesterday and hopefully it will stay that way. Even though I didn't keep up with the meds.
I admit it --- I'm a horrible patient.
Go figure. :)
Oh, and just to show how very strange the human mind can be --- or at least mine, .... my phone rang yesterday afternoon, and my mind instantly thought it might be Jim calling from work (and this was before I was medicated).
I hate that. I wish my mind would stop doing that.
It's not the moment that I think it's Jim that I hate.
It's the remembering. The remembering that it can't be him.
Remembering --- it can a tricky thing.
Hope you are doing better Janine. My brother has those all the time. As everyone says the pain is pretty bad but the meds help as does the water.
Love to you always
Good evening my darling daughter. You really must listen to D. I think she pretty much knows what she's talking about. Go figure.
It's the pits that you're feeling so bad. Like you don't have enough on your plate as it is. Call me if you need me. Only an hour away, you know. (yay!)
I've gotten almost all the boxes emptied that were in the house. Slowly but surely I'm getting there.
Take care of yourself and listen to the doc and D! I love you bunches.
Sorry to hear you've got even more pain, praying you'll get relief and good rest tonight. My brother has had a kidney stone or two and from what I understand very painful someone said it's right up there with childbirth. I guess you've pretty much gotten the award for bearing the most childbirth pain with 6 births so a little stone should be a walk in the park! :0 I know I really shouldn't say that since I have no idea of the pain you're in just trying to make you smile.
Love you girl and you are continually in my prayers!
Remembering... I have had those instances. Like when it is raining at my workplace, and I think, I'll phone Greg and ask him if it's raining out by our home... and then I think, "No, I won't." or reading something on the internet or hearing about something on tv and thinking, "I've got to remember to tell Greg...". And so it goes.
I love the fact that you have the lyrics to "The Dance" on this page. It SO describes how this feels to me, this whole unexpected life that I am now living. And it brings tears right to the surface.
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