I am exhausted. Physically as well as emotionally.
I have been teetering on the edge all day long, and was pushed right over it a couple of times.
I managed to pull myself back up on that ledge, but I'll be glad to go to bed and hopefully get a good night's sleep (ha!) and start anew tomorrow.
I didn't sleep well last night. Son #3 didn't get home until sometime around 2:00 a.m. or so. I was asleep when he came home.
But then I was wide awake at 5:30, so that's what time my day started.
And it started off most crappily.
I won't go into the reason why, but emotions are running high around here at the thought of selling this house.
I know it doesn't matter when I sell it ...... the emotions will run high no matter when that occurs. I know that I will be shedding many, many tears as the final day here approaches. I'm already shedding tears at just the thought of that.
I know that I'm ready to sell it and to move forward. This house that used to be a "home" has started to become something I resent. It's too big, it's too much work, it's too expensive to keep up with, and it's too difficult to do all of the upkeep.
By myself.
So it's time to move forward.
But as I wrote on Widow's Voice, moving forward isn't as "black and white" as I'd like it to be. Just because I'm ready doesn't mean that it won't be painful. Hell, it's already painful. And that pain doesn't mean that I'm not ready.
That pain is a natural part of my moving forward. And while I am most times ready for that, and sometimes happy and hopeful for it, I'm never ready for the pain that it brings.
Because sometimes ...... moving forward means leaving a part of me behind.
And worse, leaving a part of us.
Today was a teary day.
I'm not good at starting the day off very early in the morning, and very negatively. No matter how I tried to turn the day around, it just kept going down hill.
I was so exhausted from tossing and turning all night long, and constantly looking at the clock, that becoming wide awake at 5:30 a.m. just seemed to set things into motion.
I had to call a plumber to come and replace a pipe under one of the bathroom sinks. I didn't think it would be very expensive.
I was wrong.
$500 dollars later I have a new pipe and two new valves.
I think I should've at least had a free lunch thrown in there.
And then there's my refrigerator.
That would be the fridge that I bought 3 years ago when I had my kitchen remodeled.
Evidently it's quite a lemon.
A lemon whose warranty ran out after the first 12 months.
Kudos to you, General Electric. I will never buy another product from you.
The ice maker has died. Bit the bullet. Kicked the bucket. Keeled over. Is no more.
Moved on to its final resting place. Crossed the river Jordan.
Joined the choir eternal.
(what's that from?)
So I get to pay almost $500 for a new one.
And then there's the leak in said fridge. A leak that the repairman had never seen happen with this type of fridge. He's stumped.
Which means that when he comes back, hopefully Friday ... before I leave town on Saturday ... we'll get to take every single item out of that fridge. Shelves and all.
So that he can try to find a leak that seems to be running down the back of it. On the inside.
That involves removing paneling. And trying to find the water line to see if it's clogged. And pulling the fridge away from the wall (gag me with a spoon!).
And all of that will cost way more than I even want to think about. All because it's not been done before.
I mean, he's worked on GE fridges before. LOADS of them. Especially after the first 12 months.
But this ...... this he has never seen, or never heard of. Nor had anyone back in the office.
I can only imagine the ticket price they'll assign to this job.
I think I can buy a new one for less than this may cost.
So I'm going to look into that.
And it won't be by GE.
Or any of those other similarly built.
Because they all cut off the warranty after 12 months.
Except for LG, who, the repairman said, has really good warranties.
That would've been nice to know 3 years ago.
So I had 3 repairmen in my home working on 2 items that will cost me way more than I had anticipated.
And then, THEN ...... I was pretty much yelled at by someone who wasn't even calling for me. But I was the mom, so I was the one to receive the full impact of his frustration with his job, his life, and the kids he works with.
Or at least that's what it felt like.
He apologized about 10 minutes after blasting me.
But it was too late.
The edge had been reached.
And breached.
And I fell right over it and cried all the way down.
It was just one of those days.
Not enough sleep.
Not enough kindness early in the morning.
Feeling taken advantage of by repairmen who seem to charge way, way too much.
Being the whipping post for a frustrated government worker.
And having very much to do before I leave Saturday to go to San Diego.
Camp Widow is right around the corner. I have much to do beforehand.
Add that to the list above ...... and you get one very frustrated, completely overwhelmed, weepy woman who just wishes, for only a nano second because that's all she ever allows herself to wish this ......
that her "before" was still her "present".
And that she could open the door at 6:00 p.m. and welcome Jim home. And then sit down with him, almost in his lap, and just cry while he holds her.
Just to be held while I cry everything out.
But that can't happen so it's best to wipe away those tears, stop wishing for something that will never be, and get back to the work of being in charge and prepared and ready.
And never, ever hurt.
There's no time to be hurt.
So I just plan to move forward.
Knowing that Jim is inside my heart, so I can't really leave him ... or part of us ... behind.
But it sure as hell feels that way.
P.S. I also realize that the hardest part of all of this will be walking out of this house for the very last time. But I know that I will feel nothing but relief the moment I walk into my next home. A home for me. A home for the next phase. And for moving forward.
I wish I could just hug you tight. I love you.
not much more too day. I too wish I could just hug you. Love you. Very much!
:( Ugh--what a day, Janine. Praying that the fridge ends up being an easy fix once everything is removed & that this time of transition will be covered in peace.
I had that same water thing with my GE fridge on the freezer side a few years ago. Wish I could remember the cause...seemed to remember it had something to do with the fridge not getting enough air causing something else to overheat. (Home repairs are not my thing.) My ice maker is toast as well. I've been shuttling ice from my back up fridge in the garage and given what you have found that may continue for a loooong time.
I've been thinking about moving lately too but not until my last leaves the nest in 4 years. The thing that makes me suck in my breath is that thought of looking back at the empty house as I lock the door for the last time. I hope 4 years is enough time to prepare my heart for that moment.
Much love to you as you set the pace on this one.
Praying that the frig situation ends up being an easy fix.
My mom moved a year after my dad passed. I read your blog and think of her...everything she went through with us (me and my younger sister who were 13 & 9 at the time)
WE moved forward and it made us that much stronger. WE took him with us...in our hearts...all the memories.
Wishing you the best!
Double ugh. Sorry for the crappy day. I dread the day when I move. Not on the horizon yet, but I know it will be someday. As for the fridge, here's an FYI. I have a Kenmore Elite. I've had several issues with it in the past year. My AWESOME repair man said that it's actually a LG and that they are repair prone. Consumer Report confirmed this recently. He said that you can't go wrong with Whirlpool. Hope future days are better. Hugs.
Mollie B
I'm delurking to say, do not get a Whirlpool! When we bought our lovely new house almost 2 years ago we got builder incentives, and since the house was completely built and granite counters in and so forth we took those in upgraded appliances and window coverings. The windows are lovely. The appliances are all Whirlpool top of the line. Seemed like a great deal. Last summer we spent almost 3 months, in the summer, in California, without a working fridge. When it started it was under warranty. When it ended it wasn't. We had to argue to keep getting it fixed. Then Whirpool was out of the needed part for over 2 months- not locally- nationally for over 2 months. It was the compressor and it's used in a huge number of fridges. We spent all summer without a fridge, until we finally bought a small office sized one so we could at least have fruit, vegetables and ice. They were completely UNHELPFUL. Okay, rant over, but I wouldn't miss a chance to say to someone never ever would I recommend them.
The end of my story is when they finally did fix it they didn't tighten something and it leaked green goo all over my floor the day before I was leaving town for work. I had to block that off so well so the puppy couldn't get into it, rant at them via cell phone and come home to have them come back out to fix something they "forgot to tighten." And yes, argue that once again it was THEIR FAULT AND THEIR DIME.
I hope your fridge is fixable and not too expensive.
See, this is why I don't comment it turns into a novel. ;)
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